Good books on the topic


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member


Enteroimmunology by Charles A Lewis is by far the best book I've bought in recent times. It's pricey but I found it to be worth every penny. Despite it's complicated sounding name, it's actually very readable.

I'm really impressed so far with how on point this book is with our many and varied symptom profiles. It's chock full of references too...HPA axis dysfunction, inflammatory cytokines, Vitamin D3, MCAS, biofilms, vitamins,'s all here.

Anyone with mast cell disorders especially and food allergies will want to check this one out.

Enteroimmunology is the emerging field of medicine that studies the enteric immune system and microbial biome of the digestive system, and their interaction with diet, digestion, the enteric and central nervous systems and endocrine functions. It explores and elucidates how these systems affect each other, impacting health and disease. Enteroimmune disease is not limited to diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases but also cause systemic and neurological diseases. Neurological diseases discussed include autism, migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, bipolar and rage disorders. The gastrointestinal mucosa is predominantly lined with enterocytes that form a continuous barrier throughout the digestive path. These cells absorb nutrients while excluding the trillions of bacteria and other microbes that inhabit the gut. Just below the enterocytes, the mucosa contains over half of the body’s immune cells. These cells effect immune activity that protect the body from infection. However, they can also promote chronic inflammation, not just in the intestines, but in any organ system of the body. This book details the physiologic functions of the digestive and immune cells; their reactions to proteins, antigens and nutrients in the diet; the role of bacterial toxins and immune mediators; and the hormones that mediate appetite, GI motility and digestion. It explores the mechanisms occurring in immune dysfunction; when the immune response, rather than protect health, promotes chronic inflammation, responsible for depression, obesity, diabetes, acne, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, migraines, fibromyalgia, IBS, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, and many other chronic inflammatory diseases. Understanding the immune system of the gut, provides insight to how these mechanisms impact both the enteric and central nervous systems. Dr. Lewis elucidates the physiology and pathophysiology of the intestinal and immune cells with clarity and humor that makes reading this book a pleasure. Enteroimmunology describes how various types of food sensitivities, including IgG antergies, which are analogous to IgE allergies, cause a wide array of chronic disease. This book explains mast cell activation syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, small bowel overgrowth, dysbiosis, metabolic syndrome and describes how to achieve long-term effective resolution of these conditions through diet. The book provides examples of a variety of conditions and the pathological processes that underlie them and then acts a guide to the tertiary treatment for the condition. There are chapters on obesity and metabolic syndrome, mood and thought disorders, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, interstitial cystitis, sexual dysfunction, acne and other diseases. A chapter is dedicated to traumatic brain injury and its secondary prevention. Another chapter focuses on cancer prevention and explains the dietary factors responsible for the majority of human cancers, and provides practical, evidenced-based advice for cancer prevention. There is a chapter explaining how the mitochondria and aging, detailing of how individuals can maintain vibrant, healthy, mitochondria. There are chapters on the role of sleep disorders in enteroimmune disease, explaining the role osteoimmunity in osteoporosis and on prevention of hearing loss. Enteroimmunology is a guide to the prevention and the reversal of chronic disease by first understanding, and then using diet and nutrition to reverse the underlying causation of these diseases. Enteroimmunology explains the emerging understanding of the ecology of the gut and its relationship with diet, food and nutrition. This highly acclaimed book, now in its 3rd edition, has been extensively updated and expanded. It provides citations to National Library of Medicine PMID numbers that link to over a thousand free, full-length scientific journal articles that support and expand the materials it explains.

I've also found "Why Isn't My Brain Working?" by Datis Kharrazian to be useful and worthwhile (if LONG).

Losing your memory? Can't focus or concentrate? Do you have brain fog or tire easily? Have you lost your zest for life or motivation? Do people tell you this is all a normal part of aging? If so, your brain may be growing old too fast, or degenerating. Modern diets, a stressful lifestyle, and environmental toxins all take their toll on the brain. This doesn't just happen to seniors-brain disorders and degeneration are on the rise for young and old alike. The good news is the brain is extremely adaptable and wants to get well. You simply have to know how to feed and care for your brain. How do you know if your brain isn't working? See if some of these signs and symptoms of brain degeneration apply to you: Memory loss • brain fog • depression • anxiety • difficulty learning • lack of motivation, drive, or passion • tire easily • poor focus and concentration • fatigue in response to certain chemicals or foods Brain degeneration affects millions of Americans of all ages. The destruction sets in years or even decades before Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, or other serious neurological diseases can be diagnosed. Learn how to spot brain degeneration and stop it before it's too late. Why Isn't My Brain Working? will teach you strategies to save and improve brain function. You will learn how simple diet and lifestyle changes and nutritional therapy can profoundly impact your brain health and thus the quality of your life. Don't waste another day wondering why your brain is not working. Learn what you can and should do about it. Why Isn't My Brain Working? harnesses cutting-edge scientific research for safe, simple, and truly effective solutions to declining brain function.


Well-Known Member
thank you so much! i will buy "enteroimmunology" and get it for ~70€. it has good ratings. I will buy the other book "why isn't my brain working" when i'm done with my first 3 books :walkingdead: but I have lots of time and I study medical, chemical, biological topics since i was little because my father is a chemist (and has LOTS of books, outdated though, and a little lab in the basement) so i don't have to start at zero point. I will OF COURSE write any helpful thoughts that i get while reading, and hopefully understanding, here and try to find solutions. so to say...:eggonface:
the funny thing is that i got this book "Handbook of Contemporary Neuropharmacology" for 130€ instead of 908€ because it's slightly used, 130€ for 3900 pages, i hope it's fun to read
Last edited:


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Enteroimmunology by Charles A Lewis is by far the best book I've bought in recent times. It's pricey but I found it to be worth every penny. Despite it's complicated sounding name, it's actually very readable.

I'm really impressed so far with how on point this book is with our many and varied symptom profiles. It's chock full of references too...HPA axis dysfunction, inflammatory cytokines, Vitamin D3, MCAS, biofilms, vitamins,'s all here.

Anyone with mast cell disorders especially and food allergies will want to check this one out.

I've also found "Why Isn't My Brain Working?" by Datis Kharrazian to be useful and worthwhile (if LONG).
Darn that sounds good. I'm jealous. It takes so much time to write these darn blogs. Book reviews anyone?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
thank you so much! i will buy "enteroimmunology" and get it for ~70€. it has good ratings. I will buy the other book "why isn't my brain working" when i'm done with my first 3 books :walkingdead: but I have lots of time and I study medical, chemical, biological topics since i was little because my father is a chemist (and has LOTS of books, outdated though, and a little lab in the basement) so i don't have to start at zero point. I will OF COURSE write any helpful thoughts that i get while reading, and hopefully understanding, here and try to find solutions. so to say...:eggonface:
the funny thing is that i got this book "Handbook of Contemporary Neuropharmacology" for 130€ instead of 908€ because it's slightly used, 130€ for 3900 pages, i hope it's fun to read
Good on You Loki - you are a fountain of information.

I love your signature by the way "i knew who i was this morning but i 've changed a few times since then :bag:"...I love it! :D


Well-Known Member
Good on You Loki - you are a fountain of information.

I love your signature by the way "i knew who i was this morning but i 've changed a few times since then :bag:"...I love it! :D
thanks, keep hope alive :D


Well-Known Member
book reviews? i hope i don't misunderstand that but there are some on the amazon page

Incredible book!! Truly unique and comprehensive. I am a physician, but I purchased this book as a guide after spending many, many hundreds of hours on the internet tracking down solutions to migraine, mast cell disease, and other inflammatory diseases that the traditional medicine teachings that I was trained under struggle to understand and treat. The internet is indeed full of good info, but after awhile my mind was spinning -- this book was a Godsend. This book contains unbelievable amounts of information organized very logically, and the author writes with an easy and smooth tone - not written to baffle, clearly written to inform and educate. Love that he also has treatment recommendations. I highly recommend this book to folks who have some background in medicine or science, but I also think that there are some folks out there who have self-educated themselves (usually out of desperation from not getting the care they need for functionality) who could benefit from this book.

GOD this ritalin makes me so weird WHY can't i live in USA where they hand out Adderall like candy if you have fear of the dark?


Well-Known Member
book reviews? i hope i don't misunderstand that but there are some on the amazon page
I imagine they were thinking more along the line of writing reviews from an ME/CFS/FMS perspective for HR.
GOD this ritalin makes me so weird WHY can't i live in USA where they hand out Adderall like candy if you have fear of the dark?
LOL, it's not QUITE that bad. :)


Well-Known Member
I got put on Ritalin candy when i was a child and it took nearly a year before they figured out that i don't react well to the stuff... and put me on Dexedrine(juice here) and everything was fine... after i got destroyed with Interferon the doc told me "hey, tried ritalin?" i said yes and told her it's a messy feeling and i'm fine with the dex juice but she refuses to script it because my insurance doesn't cover it, told her " I PAY ON MY OWN?" "Nope". Now i'm about to ask my insurance to help me out somehow ...:bag:

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