Hard time sleeping, againgaingain


Well-Known Member
So I was sleeping late, really late, like 6-7 in the morning but I could sleep for 6-7-8 hours. If I didn't set my alarm and was really tired I could sleep for 12 hours sometimes. But i was actually sleeping arround 6 hours cause I use to set my alarm to wake me up.
I was taking Konoplan before going to sleep.

With just 6 hours of sleep I was normally really tired arround 8-9-10 in the night. Sometimes I would take a nap of 1-2 hours sometimes I would just skip it, and stay up till 6-7 in the morning again.

Suddenly, I slept one day at 7 and woke at 9. I couldn't sleep anymore... Than I slept at 8 in the night (supposed to be just a nap) but ended up waking at 00:00. Than I slept again at 7 and woke arround 9-10

Since then my sleep turned and I'm sleeping like 2-3 hours every night maximum... Then around 4-5-6 In the afternoon i'm crushed and if sleep there I can go for like 6-7 hours. Yesterday I skiped that afternon nap and went to bed at 2 in the morning (I was so tired i was afraid I would faint on the shower), slept just 3 hours and woke, stayed in bed, I could sleep like 1 hour then woke, more 1 hour and woke, that whole troubled sleep.

Just... What the hell happened?
My body started feeling my "night" sleep as a nap, and my nap as a "night sleep". Still taking Konoplan.

I have one specific answer and one not so specific. If I don't take Konoplan I have nightmares, but it's clearly not mantaining my sleep, can I mix it with Ambien 10 or 12 mg?
And the other, anyone know how to help me with that? :banghead:

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Well-Known Member
If you figure this out, let me know. Sleep is a huge issue with me.

Hey @Issie
Don't know what's your specific problems.

So the 2 days ago (day of the post) I slept and the same happened. Then I slept a little more like from 12:30-2:00 in the afternoon.

Spend the day out and came home kinda late I was pretty tired arround midnight which is a much more better scenario than being tired at 8-10.
Still I stayed up until almost 4 in the morning and slept (REALLY tired now) Still took Konoplan. This time I slept 4:30 hours and then woke and slept again more 2 hours +-

Much better.
I think if I keep going like this I might rearrange my sleep.
I wish someone could just answer me about mixing Konoplan with Ambien hehe :)

I'll keep you posted


Well-Known Member
I don't know about those meds. But I know someone who I think is on both. I will ask her. She is on Klonopin for seizures and says it helps her sleep. She had horrible insomnia and found out she was having seizures and they were waking her up. She recently had a pituitary tumor removed. She is much better. Says she has no complaints now.
I just downloaded a program to take blue light off my phone. If you use your phone or computer later in the day - that could be an issue.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to paste what she said.
I think a lot of people are confused about Klonopin. It's an anticonvulsant. Some doctors use it for anxiety but, it doesn't work very well because it only calms synapses of the brain.

It depends on why they are taking it. I would never take Ambien! Nor the two together. If they have anxiety they should try natural stuff.


Well-Known Member
She just texted me again......
She said:
I take magnesium compounded for headaches. It has to be pure Glycinate 400 mg
I had read this type could cause depression......so I'm not sure her form is the best.



Have you tried oleamide? It has helped my sleep more than anything except possibly tryptophan. And it does it without disrupting proper sleep architecture.


@Remy, this says it affects GABA receptors and Seratonin, wasn't it you that paradoxes with GABA, as I do? Did this affect you that way? Thinking not, but would like to hear how it affects you.

Here's an interesting article.

Yes, I had paradoxical anxiety with benzodiazepines and the WORST reaction to every antidepressant I tried before I figured out they really didn't agree with me.

You can imagine my surprise to find out that oleamide and tryptophan actually work well for me. I had avoided trying them for literally years because of that experience.

I don't take oleamide every night anymore, maybe just 2-3x a week, if I wake up at 3 or 4AM and worry about getting back to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I had paradoxical anxiety with benzodiazepines and the WORST reaction to every antidepressant I tried before I figured out they really didn't agree with me.

You can imagine my surprise to find out that oleamide and tryptophan actually work well for me. I had avoided trying them for literally years because of that experience.

I don't take oleamide every night anymore, maybe just 2-3x a week, if I wake up at 3 or 4AM and worry about getting back to sleep.
You sound like me. Everything does the opposite of what it should and I can't take GABA supplements either.
Sounds like it's worth a try. If I get 4 hours of restless sleep I'm doing good----yet that's horrible for me. It's taking its toll.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for these helpful comments. I feel very low on oxygen at night, but no one will just let me try some supplemental oxygen. My only experience in thus area was 5 years ago in Vegas, staying at Circus Circus. I slept so well, and woke up refreshed. Could not believe it!!

Then someone told me that Circus Circus added oxygen to their climate control system. The staff denied this, but 3 years later my husband met a person at a conference who was in charge of maintaining the oxygen additions to certain casinos - not all do this.


Well-Known Member
I just got a CPAP, again ---- not doing so well with it. But I do have oxygen I can add for high altitudes. Wonder if it would help lower down too?????


Well-Known Member
Issie, a great idea . Yes, the CPAP keeps airways open but doesn't deliver extra oxygen.

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