Have any of you tried this approach?


I noticed that whenever in hospital and i got an intravenous saline solution, i felt a lot better for a while. Then I read about Himalayan pink salt crystals, and that making a drink (there are online directions) from them and drinking it can be the same/better than the intravenous saline injections for lessening classical cfids symptoms. I haven’t tried it yet, but hope to soon. I’ve read about doing tests on whether or not it can be effective, and it proved to be. Seems like a recent discovery. Has anyone here tried it? Is said to help with POTS, PEM - all the usual cfids symptoms we all deal with.
hope to hear from you about this- thanks, Salome


I have commenced this approach, the pink Himalayan salt crystals solution—has been a couple of days- and i am experiencing improvements already in increased energy, better mind clarity. Went to store yesterday and for some time now have experienced faintness, mind closing down, extreme weakness, i went yesterday on my own and went to two stores. First one i did a lot better. Second one i started getting tired.
But point to make here is i am experiencing bits of improvement. And i shall continue with information if that good streak continues. Has given me some hope….
Let me know if you try it— Salome


Active Member
Why don't you just mix a few teaspoons of regular table salt with a bottle of water and drink that?


I am figuring out how much to take of the pink Himalayan salt crystals after making the Sole (So-lay) drink—keep reading information on it to find out more. The reason the Himalayan salt crystals are more effective than regular table salt is that they contain more minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium which are better for replenishing electrolytes. And selenium. They ‘replenish lost minerals and rehydrate the body’ - I’m in beginning stages of learning about this. Drinking water and table salt does not stay in the body is how it seems to me. I did get good reactions after drinking the Sole mixture- less POTS and PEM reactions. Better clarity in mind. I will stay with the program and see where it takes me. Let me know if you try it and how it goes. I’m on my 4th day now. Will be taking 1-2 cups of the brew in the morning. There are precise directions for making the drink online.
And i commenced this drink because i remembered feeling noticeably better after getting IV saline solution in hospital—started looking for equivalent to drink that might help me and came across the pink Himalayan salt crystals. Found out how to make the drink, and started taking it.


Active Member
The late Dr. Nickolas Gonzales recommented a quarter teaspoon of himalayan pink salt in a glass of water a couple of times a day for improving health. Also gives quite interesting rationes for doing so. Sadly, can't find the article from him again.

I do it anyway, since otherwise my saltintake from food is very low, don't eat anything industrially prepared.


Do you notice how it helps you, Pamojja? I’m still in beginning stages of trying the salt. Have had CFS for over 20 years. the saline IV I got in hospitals seemed to make me feel better for a time, which is why i went on quest to find way to drink such salts and get the benefits from that, Which led me to the pink Himalayan salt crystals. Thanks, Salome


Active Member
The reason the Himalayan salt crystals are more effective than regular table salt is that they contain more minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium which are better for replenishing electrolytes. And selenium. They ‘replenish lost minerals and rehydrate the body’ - I’m in beginning stages of learning about this.

True, Himalayan salt seems to contain some 84 minerals and about one third less sodium. Seems it could be slightly more healthy in that sense. The problem is the quantity of minerals is quite low.

According to this table, one gram of Himalayan salt contains about one mg of magnesium. That makes it about six mg of magnesium for one teaspoon. The typical electrolyte replenishing supplement or sports drink contains at least 100 mg of magnesium and the daily RDA of magnesium is 350 mg. In other words, you won't be replenishing any electrolytes with such a small amount of magnesium and potassium as found in Himalayan salt unless you take a toxic dose of it.

It seems that certain minerals like iron are found in quantities that could make somewhat of a difference, but I still wonder if you wouldn't receive 99% of the same benefits from taking regular salt, since that is what is found in IV saline that already helped you. Well, it won't exactly break the bank to pay extra for Himalayan salt, but I do wonder if it's worth it for those small quantities of minerals.


Maybe you’re right, Jes. I’m not at all scientifically minded. BUT i think I’ll stick to this for a while and see if it helps. I have had experiences of feeling better even these first few days. Yes! It could well be wishful thinking, etc etc., but I’ve been in bad state for long time now so am willing to give it a good try.
I did read a few accounts that it helped cfids people with classical cfids symptoms like POTS, PEM, foggy mind, pain all through body. Worth a try. And thanks for your information.


Active Member
Do you notice how it helps you, Pamojja?

that question in my case is too difficult to answer. I had a 60% walking disability from PAD (due to a 80% stenosis at my abdominal aorta) almost 14 years ago. Changed many life-style parameters, like diet, and added very comprehensive supplementation, including a lot in what usually considered mega-doses of certain nurtrients. Just as example, during all these years at in average 1.8g elemental Mg daily. Muscle cramps still only ceased with regular additional Mg-sulfate infusions. Which I sadly couldn't get regularly since covid started.

Though thereby improving right from the beginning, after the 3rd the whole year with a chronic bronchitis had a major set-back again. After that - and an additional diagnosis of COPD (asymptomatic since) improving again. The walking-disabilty only went into full remission the 7th year, concomiddant constant PEMs (still working half-time) only with the 10th year. In my case just too many interventions, to single any one out as the main one.

The additional salt, 25g of ascorbic acid daily, massive whole-body sunexposure during winters on a South Indian beach, an extracted root-canal treated tooth and LDN, to mention just a few salient points, together with all other intervention too many to mention - at least did it for me.


That’s the way i feel- too many interventions—can’t sort out which is doing what- or not. I’ve had stroke and was put on blood thinning prescription. Then my eyes went into progressive glaucoma decline, and i had an operation and was put on eyedrops- lots of them- and they made me feel worse every day. I have another eye operation coming up soon. I don’t want to lose my vision if i can avoid it, but sometimes the eyedrops seem like too much to bear. BUT that’s another reason to persevere with the Himalayan salt crystal drink, thinking maybe what I’m going through right now is telling me it’s working on things. I do have those moments when i feel its good effects. It IS hard to make genuine correlations between taking it and ways that i feel.
I appreciate your input and history. Good luck with everything.


An update: and a good one: I’m nearing end of second week using the Himalayan pink salt crystals in drink i made following instructions i found online. AM HAVING GOOD EFFECTS from drinking @tsp/day put into 1 1/2 C distilled water.
I am improving with POTS, PEM, general brain fogginess— feels so good experiencing this. Classic cfids symptoms are weaker now. I recommend trying this approach. Lots of information online about it.
I’m staying with the plan through July, and then will assess how i am. Thanks and good luck too all! Best from Salome

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
No I've never tried fully saturated salt solution (Sole drink) made from Himalayan sea salt and I don't see myself going this way. Salt gives me headaches.


Active Member
Salt obviously contains a lot of sodium which is an essential nutrient but keep in mind that potassium and magnesium interact with sodium. In other words, sodium may push out some of the other minerals which then create problems. Best to keep them in balance.


New Member
I have been using the WHO formula Oral Rehydration Salts, which I believe were listed as a good option in that study about IV vs oral hydration. I think it helps a lot, not that it is a miracle or a cure, but I sure miss it if i dont drink it now. Ive had constant thirst and hypovolemic issues and also live in a dry climate, so I drink a gallon of water a day - except now half of that is with these ORS powders in it. It has no colors or flavorings, so took a bit to get used to, but now I crave it and find it so refreshing. I buy it directly from Jianis Brothers online (website is kinda primitive, I call to order by the carton). Its about 55 cents a day, but worth it to me.


Active Member
Increasing salt intake increases your blood volume. Low blood volume causes (or worsens) orthostatic intolerance. Dr Peter Rowe has documented low blood volume in CFS. It has also been studied in POTS, and probably happens in some other orthostatic syndromes too.

Cort has a few posts on this – search hypovolemia.

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