Health Rising ME/CFS and FM Forums: A Guide


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Options in the Health Rising Forums
  • Everything - Check out our FAQ's for all sorts of how-to information for using the Health Rising Forums.
  • Bookmarks - allows you to save important posts you may want to refer to again. Simply hover over the bottom of a post and the Bookmark Icon will appear. Once you add a "note to yourself" about it that post will show up in your Bookmarks section in your profile. Or if you click on 'QuickLink' your bookmark will show up when you click on the Bookmark tab on the main Forum menu.)
  • Reviews - Reviews focus on doctors, treatments, products and organizations as well as clinical trials (to take advantage of the mapping portion of the review program). The item you're adding (or your review of an item) will show up both in the Review section and in the particular Forum your Review is directed towards. Click here to participate in the Reviews section.
  • Recovery Stories - Anyone who has recovered around 80% of their health and maintained it for six months is welcome to post their recovery in theRecovery Stories part of the Resources section.
  • Resources - Resources are "how to" or "what is" documents as well as "Recovery Stories". They include things like "Ways to Increase Your Blood Volume", "How Manage Your Exercise", "What is the Canadian Consensus Criteria?" "What is NIH Spending on ME/CFS?". The resources section also contains a review element; i.e. you can review resources. Any resource you add will end up both in the stand-alone Resource section and as a Forum post. Click here to add a Resource.
  • Video and Image Library - add and view video's and images by clicking on the media button
  • Appearance - Change how your Forums look by clicking on the link on the very bottom left hand side of the page.
  • Forum rules can be found here. (They are under development.)
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Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@China i think you put your comment in the wrong thread. There is a poll about neuropathy. This is just about forum information.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member


New Member
Yes. I have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy by a neuro muscular specialist.
I have this condition too. How do you cope with this pain? I'm finding it very hard. I've just joined, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing here or should I be posting else where?

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@magsz hi. You're in the wrong spot for this.

I suggest you go to the Symptoms and Testing forum. You can start a thread there about neuropathy pain.

More people will see it there.


Is there a way to not see the "Welcome to" the forum thing on the top of every page? (Im on a mobile device, if that matters). Thanks


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Is there a way to not see the "Welcome to" the forum thing on the top of every page? (Im on a mobile device, if that matters). Thanks
I found a way to do this. We've made live an option to dismiss the notice. If you don't want to see a particular notice anymore you can click on the "x" on the top right of the notice box.

We are going to have other notices. One of them which will list new content or other items of interest on the Forums you might want to consider keeping because it will change over time.

The introductory notice you probably don't need and I'm trying to figure out a way we can just make it disappear for everyone who's been on the Forums for a week or two.


New Member
What forum do people ask about doctors? I went to the Reviews page but an error message showed. I'm finding this site hard to navigate.


What forum do people ask about doctors? I went to the Reviews page but an error message showed. I'm finding this site hard to navigate.
You can ask about doctors in any forum but probably the most applicable would just be the Treatment-General subforum.

There are only a few reviews in the practitioner resource section, but the main forum is the place to ask questions and get feedback.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have more questions.


New Member


Well-Known Member
Just joined and was told I have FM in 1999. Will get into that later...but would like to post WHY I mainly came on here...where do I go.

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