Healthy Alternatives to Vaccinations

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Plague of Corruption and Disease! The HPV Vaccine. Dr. Mikovits will present how to Recognize, Prevent & Treat immune related adverse events from the HPV vaccination of vulnerable individuals.

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Saturday, 13 August 2016, at 12:00 pm
Eastern Time (US and Canada), GMT -4
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Presented by:


Nancy Tarlow received her Doctor of Chiropractic in 1993 and currently hosts "Healthy Alternatives to Vaccinations" and co-founder of FactsonVax, vaccine educational materials.


Judy A. Mikovits earned BA in Chemistry from University of Virginia in 1980 and a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her thirty-five-year career, she has done pioneering work in immunology, epigenetics, virology, and natural products drug development including discovery of the modulation of DNA Methylation machinery by human retroviral infection and the concept of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine signatures of infection and disease. In 2014 she and Kent Heckenlively co-authored the book Plague.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Plague of Corruption and Disease! The HPV Vaccine. Dr. Mikovits will present how to Recognize, Prevent & Treat immune related adverse events from the HPV vaccination of vulnerable individuals.

Space is Limited. Register Now!


Saturday, 13 August 2016, at 12:00 pm
Eastern Time (US and Canada), GMT -4
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Presented by:


Nancy Tarlow received her Doctor of Chiropractic in 1993 and currently hosts "Healthy Alternatives to Vaccinations" and co-founder of FactsonVax, vaccine educational materials.


Judy A. Mikovits earned BA in Chemistry from University of Virginia in 1980 and a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her thirty-five-year career, she has done pioneering work in immunology, epigenetics, virology, and natural products drug development including discovery of the modulation of DNA Methylation machinery by human retroviral infection and the concept of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine signatures of infection and disease. In 2014 she and Kent Heckenlively co-authored the book Plague.
But are there really healthy alternatives to vaccinations - and what could they be? In general I am all for vaccinations for healthy people.

There does seem to be problems with the HPV vaccine at times. I agree...
I personally think that the only sensible route to take is to go for vaccinations. We ought to be thankful that they are available for us. And that being said, we must make it a priority to maintain as strong an immune system as possible. There is much information out to assist each one of us. This is crucial particularly in these days in which we are living. Unknown "bugs" and viruses are ready to invade our bodies. Many are increasingly resistant to any form of medication.


Well-Known Member
But are there really healthy alternatives to vaccinations - and what could they be? In general I am all for vaccinations for healthy people.
That's a good question... I think vaccinations are great if they help and do not harm. In that case they can save lives. But they can do terrible harm too. Think of all the girls stuck with an ME/CFS type illness after HPV. Or the kids with narcolepsy after the swine flue vaccine. Also Gulf War Illness has been connected to vaccinations (possibly experimental ones). Oh and the recent story about the little baby dying after getting 8 vaccinations in a row...

What I think is very wrong, is that we are not informed about possible harm, and that vaccinations are sold as being 100% safe, when they are not. So I'd be interested to learn more about alternatives. Not sure how feasible these alternatives would be ATM, but it's worth at least looking into.


Well-Known Member
And on how many are being given at once. 8 vaccines at once??? puhleeeeze. Possibly even the MMR is too much for little brains. But stacking them on top of each other...:banghead:


Well-Known Member
The more I investigate vaccinations..........the more horrified of them I get. The film Vaxxed is now on Netflix if anyone is interested.


Active Member
I couldn't believe it when I read of how many vaccinations kids are receiving at once in the US. It's insane.

But then the public global conversation around vaccination has pretty much guaranteed that any advancement in discussion will be slow because it's just so damn polarised.

It's really disappointing because it's a conversation that needs to be had. But as is so often with the conversations that occur online, they just entrench people into their positions. It seems that people are more willing to spew their vitriole at the opposing side than to actually try to ... uh, learn something new.


And then that keeps some people who are pro vaccination from even considering the more nuanced idea that maybe many more people are immunocompromised than we realise. That maybe something pretty big has changed over the last 100 years when it comes to our immune health. And that what bodies may have been able to handle from a vaccination 40 years ago can damage them now, considering all the extra issues our immune systems have to face.

I mean, it doesn't even seem to be generally acknowledged that we have had hundreds of thousands of different chemical compounds being pumped into our environments over the past 50 years. We don't even know if *one* of those compounds could cause immunocompromising in susceptible people, let alone the mass amount.

Honestly, people will look back at this last century and wonder at how such criminal activity was allowed to go on. I guess because humans have been removed from our place in the earth, have been blinded to our connection to the most basic thing we need to function.

We live in such bizarro times. Honestly.

But this sounds like it could have been really interesting. Did you end up listening, @Who Me?


Well-Known Member
Think of all the girls stuck with an ME/CFS type illness after HPV.

Would you happen to have any good sources on this? Just to be clear, I am not saying this in a judgemental way at all....just a curious one. I hadn't heard about this before and I just wanted to educate myself. :)


Well-Known Member
I couldn't believe it when I read of how many vaccinations kids are receiving at once in the US. It's insane.

But then the public global conversation around vaccination has pretty much guaranteed that any advancement in discussion will be slow because it's just so damn polarised.

It's really disappointing because it's a conversation that needs to be had. But as is so often with the conversations that occur online, they just entrench people into their positions. It seems that people are more willing to spew their vitriole at the opposing side than to actually try to ... uh, learn something new.


And then that keeps some people who are pro vaccination from even considering the more nuanced idea that maybe many more people are immunocompromised than we realise. That maybe something pretty big has changed over the last 100 years when it comes to our immune health. And that what bodies may have been able to handle from a vaccination 40 years ago can damage them now, considering all the extra issues our immune systems have to face.

This is a really great point. Thanks for bringing it up. :)


Well-Known Member
Would you happen to have any good sources on this?
no prob @Abrin :) There are many websites and online support groups for victims, and there is what feels like an endless list of teenagers who actually died shortly after receiving an HPV vaccination. I am not sure if the company (companies?) who makes these vaccines have somehow acknowledged that this is happening, but I do know for sure that some of the kids who got a life altering illness like narcolepsy after the swine flu vaccine have received financial compensation somehow.

A few links to support/remembrance websites for victims of the HPV vaccine:

I like the slogan of sanevax, which pretty much sums up the viewpoint of most posters on this thread:
The Sane Vax Mission is to promote only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information.

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