Heavy Eyelids?


Does anyone else have heavy eyelids all day? Is this a CFS symptom?

I've had the feeling of heavy eyelids, feeling kind of stoned and extreme fatigue since January of this year. The main symptom is the heavy eyelids and once in awhile I get some nausea in the mornings. The nausea is not worrying, unlike the feelings in my eyes and head. I've had a lot of blood tests, environmental allergy test, endoscopy, colonoscopy and my internist next wants to do a CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis. I don't think anything will show up, just like all the previous tests. My digestion is good and I don't have any (new) pain anywhere. I have suggested that I get my head examined. No comments from the cheap seats, because I'm already in therapy! ;-)

I've had myofascial pain and fibromyalgia for almost 25 years. In August 2023 I broke my collarbone and had a plate inserted. Physio has been very slow, for one thing, because holding my arm stationary in a sling for 6 weeks is just not recommended for fibro or for the pre-existing shoulder tendinopathy, plus I actually injured myself in April doing some physiotherapy exercises. Is it possible that my accident triggered the fatigue? I think it's weird that my accident was in August and the fatigue didn't show up until January.

I have a lot of questions:

Is heavy eyelids a symptom of CFS?
What kind of doctor gives a CFS diagnosis?
Does having a diagnosis help?
Has anyone else had a broken bone trigger CFS?
Is this another thing that having type 1 diabetes has blessed me with?

Any and all input greatly appreciated! Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Is heavy eyelids a symptom of CFS?
There are so many endless symptoms of CFS that I would say any symptom is a possible symptom of CFS.
What kind of doctor gives a CFS diagnosis?
It doesn't have to be any certain type of Dr. Your primary Dr can give a diagnosis if he/she cares to look into it and check out the criteria. I went to an immunologist and he is the one that diagnosed me with CFS but like I said it doesn't have to be a specialized Dr. The problem lies in finding one that is willing to listen and take you seriously and not brush you off after labs come out normal.
Does having a diagnosis help?
It can work both ways. It helped me to get disability. On the other side of the coin, I've heard others mention that have been diagnosed that there was gaslighting after Dr. heard CFS.
Is it possible that my accident triggered the fatigue?
In my opinion yes.

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