Well-Known Member
I thought I had this posted here but guess not, on another group.
Can Growth Hormone Treatment Help Fibromyalgia and CFS?
My daughter and I are receiving some NICE results on the Homeopathic HGH gel we are using, she has hit the year mark, and I 'm about 9 months. I'm now into about 17 months.
I was given the dx of back in 1999 but if I do deal with it's milder than what I read of others. I've been working with many supplements to manage my health issues one of which is FM... now the HGH is helping a lot.
Great for longer and deeper sleep. Sleep is healing.
We are not using Holtorf's HGH but a homeopathic gel and I have a thread on this.
Can Growth Hormone Treatment Help Fibromyalgia and CFS?
My daughter and I are receiving some NICE results on the Homeopathic HGH gel we are using, she has hit the year mark, and I 'm about 9 months. I'm now into about 17 months.
I was given the dx of back in 1999 but if I do deal with it's milder than what I read of others. I've been working with many supplements to manage my health issues one of which is FM... now the HGH is helping a lot.
Great for longer and deeper sleep. Sleep is healing.
We are not using Holtorf's HGH but a homeopathic gel and I have a thread on this.