hi all (mental fatigue)


i'm new here so maybe this has already been answeared somewhere, but i was wondering how many people only have mental fatigue(neuroinflammation)? as i do.

i don't have post exertion sickness. i am aware that there are a lot of subgroups but am i the only one with these symptoms? and also if you only have mental fatigue, have you tried the Dr. Lerner therapy?

im going to see my gp and see if he will order some viral tests and if positive hopefuly he will let me try the antivirals, but the thing is, the Fukuda fatigue chart obviously doesn't apply in my case so how does one manage the dose?

im probaby jumping the gun here but i was still wondering about it. im talking about this because i came across this article:

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Hi @Vitor and welcome to the forums! I've added some spaces to make it easier for people to read. Hopefully this helps, @Who Me?. Thanks also to @Empty !

FWIW, PEM has never been a major problem for me either even thought I display many other classic signs of MECFS. I think there is just too much unknown at this point to put much weight into labels.

I saw Lerner for about a year and did his antiviral treatment. I think you and your doctor just have to use your best judgement about the dose as a wide range seem to have worked anecdotally for people.


Hi @Vitor and welcome to the forums! I've added some spaces to make it easier for people to read. Hopefully this helps, @Who Me?. Thanks also to @Empty !

FWIW, PEM has never been a major problem for me either even thought I display many other classic signs of MECFS. I think there is just too much unknown at this point to put much weight into labels.

I saw Lerner for about a year and did his antiviral treatment. I think you and your doctor just have to use your best judgement about the dose as a wide range seem to have worked anecdotally for people.

ok thank you


Well-Known Member
I also have horrible mental fatigue, too. Provigil and Nuvigil are the most helpful meds I have tried - actually the only things that help. Cost can be high, so I get 150s and split them. I can not take these everyday, but save them for days when I must accomplish something. Costco pharmacy has the best price, and you do not have to be a member.


Well-Known Member
Ah, remembering, low dose Wellbutrin also helped, but lost effectiveness after 5 years.
I am reading the many responses to mental fatigue. Truly, this must be terrible to experience on a regular basis. I notice that many medications are mentioned to help alleviate the problem. Yes, by taking a medication, often this is needed to take you out of this "mental fatigue track" and set you into another. This means taking the medication short term which could be for so many weeks or months. Meanwhile one is required to look at daily lifestyle, brainstorming on paper of any factors which are contributing to the tiredness. There could be many areas to consider --perhaps you have been unaware of being a factor.

People you are in frequent contact such as co- workers, friends or family. Are you able to pin point a specific person who has a negative effect on you? If so, is there a way of removing yourself or at least making a change. At one point in my life I was not happy. When I really examined the situation I actually could name three separate individuals who were making my life quite stressful. I took a hard look and found that two of those "stressers" could be deleted.
But there are many other causes of mental fatigue. Are you having fun in your life or is it all very serious? While you may have a strong allegiance with those around you, are they actually inclined to be negative? If so, seek more positive thinking people.
Balance in our lives is always important. So we are looking at the body, mind and soul. A big subject but important.
Incorporating more physical exercise is part of the balance. Wasn't it Aristotle who was big on this!

Distraction from your regular living to intentionally take up a new interest.

Back to concentrating on the taking of medication. There is never going to be a medication which will resolve the problem on an on going basis. For one, the medication after time decreases its effectiveness. Also they are chemicals being constantly put into your body. Think of the build up and then the health problem which is a cause of that alone.
Hope the above discussion makes good sense, and will be of some help.
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Well-Known Member

Would you please edit that large chunk of text by placing a paragraph every three sentences so that those of us who are disabled with neurological problems, can participate?


New Member
I'm also suffering from mental fatigue and I'm also searching for answers.... found some meds but I am not very sure how good those drugs are for mental fatigue...
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I'm also suffering from mental fatigue and I'm also searching for answers...
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