Well-Known Member
@cujet Just upright at my computer for a few minutes and saw your post. Any chance you have Lyme or co-infection ? I had a known tick bite in Virginia ( 2010, with rash) but was negative on the screening. My doc forgot about it. But a naturopath diagnosed me in 2017 - did full Western Blot with Lab Corp. But then PCR via my infectious disease was negative. Said I couldn't possibly have active Lyme. But now, info shows that PCR is negative after the first few months of infection.I'm 56 and still working in aviation. But I can't continue for long like this as I can't do much physical work. Plus I'd never be employable at any replacement full time job. Maybe I can get relief from Prednisone and work a few more years. If not, then I'm retiring soon.
Plus, my brother in Penna. just got diagnosed with Lyme. He has been in declining health for 20 years, but recently really bad shape. Severe fatigue. Now with a pic line and antibiotics.
So this whole area is fraught with incorrect lab results, unbelieving infectious disease docs, strange symptoms, disability, etc etc.
Also, check out Stop the Thyroid Madness. Some people need to push the TSH really really low before they see the benefits of thyroid meds.
Yes, I have not worked since this all started in 1998. Terrible. Mine started with injury, but I question reactivation of EBV, and now Lyme.