How vaccines contribute to Autism (+CFS & FM)

Victor Maalouf

Active Member
I recently saw the trailer for the new documentary VAXXED about further controversy over the possible link between vaccines and Autism Spectrum, tested by the CDC in 2004. So, I made this video.

It's just 8 minutes :)

The general theory also applies to how vaccines contribute to some cases of CFS/ME & Fibromyalgia.

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Well-Known Member
Very interesting. This would be easy to test if the NIH/CDC would support some studies. But, after the 2004 Pediatrics published study that 'proved' that there was no relationship between vaccines and autism, it was declared that the issue was solved - no more vaccine safety studies.

Of course, William Thompson's ( a CDC vaccine scientist / one author of study) statement through his attorneys has blown this whole study out of the water. Thompson said, " I regret that my coauthors and I omitted stastically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed."

Thompson's complete statement is found at his attorney's site, Morgan Verkamp. Maybe you can link this?

What a great thing if at risk kids could be identified. Again, I suspect that these body asymmetries reflect a tense, torqued dura and leaky blood- brain barrier.

Thanks, again, Victor. Great sleuthing work you are doing!!!!

Victor Maalouf

Active Member
Very interesting. This would be easy to test if the NIH/CDC would support some studies. But, after the 2004 Pediatrics published study that 'proved' that there was no relationship between vaccines and autism, it was declared that the issue was solved - no more vaccine safety studies.
Well, this data is from that 2004 study. A growing statistical association between ASD and the MMR vaccine as the children grew older was acknowledged by the CDC in that 2004 study. They just guessed it was due to vaccination requirements for early intervention programs.

I'm arguing that the study actually 'proved' there is an association between vaccines and autism. You just have to interpret it with the correct theoretical mechanism. The vaccine injection guidelines from 2002 (and likely earlier), were to inject people after the age of 1 year "into the deltoid if the muscle mass is adequate." So as the children grew older, their deltoid mass grew more adequate, and they were more frequently injected into the deltoid. At the same time, we see the association between ASD and the MMR vaccine increase as deltoid injections increased.

If the root of many cases of ASD is mechanical, then it matters where the mechanical alterations and injuries occur. Injections into the deltoid have a greater chance of warping the upper body than injections into the thigh.

You don't need a whole "CDC cover-up" controversy. It's just a different, better, interpretation of the 2004 study data.


Well-Known Member
@Victor Maalouf
I found some interesting material on primitive reflexes which may tie into your theory. Again, from Chiropractic : The Anatomy and Physiology of SacroOcciptal Technique by Jonathan Howat, DC, DICS, etc. This info has been taught and developed by Peter Blythe, Diector of the Institute for NeuroPhysiological Psychology.

Page 317 : "Neurological developmental delay deals with primitive, transitional and postural delays. Every intra-uterine primitive and transitional reflex had a purpose. Once achieved it should be inhibited by a higher part of the developing brain, this allows reflexes to become established which will advance the development of the nervous system, movement and sensory integration. If the reflex does not develop or is never completely suppressed growth will be hampered, an immature central nervous system will result, with a poor response to an increasingly complex learning environment."

So perhaps, the injections could possibly interfere with the correct development and suppression of reflex patterns?

Why don't you write to one of these experts in SOT or Peter Blythe and discuss this idea?

More of interest : My son showed some autistic like symptoms early on. Remember,he had a terrible case of well - documented EBV at age 5/1986. Extreme sensitivity to all clothing - wore the same pair of shorts every day to school in the 4th grade. Slow language development. Poor fine motor/ writing. Anxiety, didn't do any homework until 5th grade. Had panic attacks going to school. Had an IEP - with pull out to the Resource Room program. Did not travel well or adjust to new situations. Was all of this related to EBV? Or some birth trauma? vaccines? We had a happy ending as he started doing very well about age 12, despite developing scoliosis, migraines, asthma.
He ended up graduating valedictorian from large high school, then honors in computer science from a Univ. of Calif. Has a very successful business, wife, and 2 kids. But must be very careful with stress. Has chronic throat clearing. A wonderful, intuitive, bright person. But what a tough journey. Wow.

Victor Maalouf

Active Member
@Victor MaaloufMore of interest : My son showed some autistic like symptoms early on. Remember,he had a terrible case of well - documented EBV at age 5/1986. Extreme sensitivity to all clothing - wore the same pair of shorts every day to school in the 4th grade. Slow language development. Poor fine motor/ writing. Anxiety, didn't do any homework until 5th grade. Had panic attacks going to school. Had an IEP - with pull out to the Resource Room program. Did not travel well or adjust to new situations. Was all of this related to EBV? Or some birth trauma? vaccines? We had a happy ending as he started doing very well about age 12, despite developing scoliosis, migraines, asthma.
He ended up graduating valedictorian from large high school, then honors in computer science from a Univ. of Calif. Has a very successful business, wife, and 2 kids. But must be very careful with stress. Has chronic throat clearing. A wonderful, intuitive, bright person. But what a tough journey. Wow.
Yeah "wow" that's awesome. Of course, no two people are going to be completely the same. Everyone will have their own developmental patterns and influences.

So perhaps, the injections could possibly interfere with the correct development and suppression of reflex patterns?
I'm not entirely sure. Part of it is surely just the pain reaction to injections that can cause clenching responses and alter movement patterns.

I haven't watched this talk in a while, but in it Christopher Exley, the world's expert on aluminium, says aluminium is so positively charged and difficult to get rid of that it turns localized bodily fluids to sludge. There's a phenomenon called "macrophagic myofasciitis" (MMF) where it's been shown that aluminum can persist at the sites of injections for many years. It creates "lesions" on the muscle, undoubtedly interfering with with function of the muscle, but I don't know the exact biology of it, or even whether it causes the muscle to contract, build up adhesions and scar-tissue around it, or "relax/deactivate" the fibers.

(I should start liking posts huh?)


Well-Known Member
How interesting. It is not surprising that this research was done by French scientists. I see that initially the reaction to the aluminum was local, but then they mention eventual transport to the brain. Ha! And I had always wondered how so much aluminum was getting to the brains of Alzheimer's patients - flu vaccines ??!!!

Keep at this Victor! I press like to just let people know I read what was written,mand appreciated the input.

Victor Maalouf

Active Member
I see that initially the reaction to the aluminum was local, but then they mention eventual transport to the brain. Ha! And I had always wondered how so much aluminum was getting to the brains of Alzheimer's patients - flu vaccines ??!!!
Well, that was a guess they made as to how this MMF was causing CFS symptoms. I actually disagree with that guess, believing the local reaction to be sufficient enough to contribute to the musculoskeletal cascade that can eventually lead to CFS/ME or any of these other disorders, even after many years.

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