Hydrazine Sulfate Turns One Patient's Mitochondria Back On


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
This is from Mike Dessin. It's an email exchange about the Naviaux paper that I asked him if I could post.

His doctor loved the Naviaux paper.....He used a weird chemical called hydrazine sulfate to great effect with Mike - but it had to be taken at just the right time...

From Mike

100% yes.. So Its a mito disease..which mitos are obviously everywhere so effects entire body.

They shut down to protect us thus the severe fatigue.

However as it progresses the mitos in the brain and spinal cord take on too much toxic and or viral load and cells get damaged..particularly nerve cells and cant function.

Thats why my case and other long term cases they will experience spinal cord aches as you might have noticed on the forums...neuropathy, chemical sensitivities, light, noise issues, pots and host of other cns related issues, at that point we become bedridden.

Need to detox the mitos/nervous system to start healing, which is a tough task

Minerals and various tx such as mine do this.

Tricky part though..even when you get things right the body has a hard time turning off that protection system.

So how do you get mitos to come alive again???

In my case it was hydrazine sulfate..has to be done at just the right moment..and wow its f()&)ing amazing when it turns back on!

Amazing! The exact mechanism and what it does has been a debate but def a good hypothesis..I just know it did something to flip my body..was really special..doc explained to me at one point but cant remember... it has to be taken at just the right point..when all the groundwork has been laid :)

Something on Hydrazine sulfate from Wikipedia

Hydrazine sulfate was specifically developed as a result of a proposal by Joseph Gold for a therapy that could offset the rapid loss of weight that occurs in cancer (cancercachexia). This hypothesis was based on the fact that cancer cells are often unusually dependent on glycolysis for energy (the Warburg effect), Gold proposed that the body might offset this increased glycolysis using gluconeogenesis, which is the pathway that is the reverse of glycolysis. Since this process would require a great deal of energy, Gold thought that inhibiting gluconeogenesis might reverse this energy requirement and be an effective treatment for cancer cachexia.[19]

Hydrazine is a reactive chemical that in the test tube can inactivate one of the enzymes needed for gluconeogenesis, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEP-CK). It was also postulated that if tumor energy gain (glycolysis) and host-energy loss (gluconeogenesis) were functionally interrelated, inhibition of gluconeogenesis at PEP CK could result in actual tumor regression in addition to reversal or arrest of cancer cachexia.[20] In this model, hydrazine sulfate is therefore thought to act by irreversibly inhibiting the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I think he mentions it in his recovery story- he did lots of stuff= prolotherapy, acupuncture, IV infusions of some sort, herbs - his doctor is quite eclectic..


I think he mentions it in his recovery story- he did lots of stuff= prolotherapy, acupuncture, IV infusions of some sort, herbs - his doctor is quite eclectic..
I've done all that at one point or another so does that mean I should give it a shot? Or is there some specific "sign" of readiness that his doctor is looking for before employing this therapy?


Still trying to figure out how this might work. And whether or not it would provoke weight gain.

"Two mechanisms of action have been proposed for hydrazine sulfate to explain its potential antitumor and anticachexia properties. Both mechanisms involve the utilization of glucose (sugar), which tumors require as a main source of energy for growth. In one proposed mechanism, hydrazine sulfate blocks gluconeogenesis through inhibition of the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.[24-29] Gluconeogenesis is a process by which extra glucose (in addition to that obtained from the diet) can be formed in the liver and the kidneys from the breakdown products of sugars, lipids (fats), and proteins. It has been suggested that cachexia occurs because the body must use increasing amounts of energy and other resources, including its own protein, to meet the demand for glucose by tumors.[24-30] Blocking gluconeogenesis and interfering with the supply of nutrients to tumors has been proposed as one way to inhibit tumor growth and to prevent cachexia.

In the second proposed mechanism, hydrazine sulfate inhibits tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha activity.[31-34] TNF-alpha, which is also known as cachectin, is one of a number of substances normally produced by white blood cells in the body in response to infection by microorganisms and in response to other stimuli such as tissue damage.[31,32,34-36] Higher-than-normal TNF-alpha production has been observed in white blood cells obtained from cancer patients. It has been suggested that higher-than-normal levels of TNF-alpha can cause the anorexia, increased energy expenditure, and increased muscle protein breakdown seen in cancer patients.[31,35-37] Some of the muscle protein breakdown products would become available for gluconeogenesis. Inhibition of TNF-alpha activity might, therefore, inhibit tumor growth and prevent cachexia."


Active Member
Cort are you going to contact Mike's doctor, or is there any way to get a more complete picture.

Also what does it mean"to great effect". Mike have ME? I personally would like a lot more info.

BTW, thanks for your ongoing work for this community.

San Diego

Well-Known Member
I, too, want to know more! Perhaps the “groundwork” was partly related to eliminating all potential dangerous interactions?

From Dr. Gold’s paper on HS, particularly pertinent since so many of us use benzos or other depressants for sleep. The word “irreversible” scares me a little!

HS is an irreversible and potent MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor, a class of compounds that can have potentially deadly interactions with other drugs. For over three decades it has been known that central nervous system depressants—such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol—are incompatible with MAO inhibitors and use of the two together could result in extremely dangerous effects.44

Because these agents—especially tranquilizers—were commonly used as supportive agents in cancer patients, CTEP and all study chairs of the planned NCI-sponsored studies were alerted that use of HS in conjunction with these agents would constitute a clinical hazard,45-47 were advised that these supportive agents should be excluded in any study of HS (if not, a negative study would result), and were provided published and unpublished data8,15,26,48,49 indicating deleterious interactions between the two.

(For example, one of the provided studies indicated that tumor bearing rats given either a benzodiazepine tranquilizer or HS suffered no harmful effects, whereas when the two types of compounds were given together in the same doses, the rats became comatose and a 50% to 60% mortality resulted, depending on which benzodiazepine was given.)

This from Positive Works, where HS is sold.

There are many restrictions when taking Hydrazine Sulfate. You should avoid alcohol, barbiturates, sedatives, tranquilizers, anti-depressants containing MAO inhibitors, vitamin B-6 and all foods containing tyramine such as found in bananas, red wine and aged cheeses.

Please consult the list of foods to avoid which was compiled by the developer of this product. This will be sent to you upon purchase of the product. Due to the diet restrictions, which all persons may not wish to adhere to, we are offering this product separately but at a discount when purchased along with one of our wellness programs.
Omg! Just saw this thread..No one should take this molecule, hydrazine sulfate wout way more understanding of it. I was extremely fortunate that it worked for me but I was under supervision from a doc that knows when and how much should be taken!
I was in a comatose nearly dead state getting other treatment before he gave me hydrazine sulfate..which was a very small amount.

The very next day after I took it..my skin got really fatty..remind you I had 0 fat and was 98 pounds. I was absorbing food again, it was absolutely nuts, like my metabolism, mitos everything just clicked back on after nearly 4 years.
If I remember correctly, it was a one time thing w the hydrazine sulfate. One dose and that was it.
At that point I started my lengthy reabilitation.
Also too..I think the jist of the Naviaux article was pointing out that this is a process to healing and things should be taken at certain points. That they at some point will have a diagnostic and solution for this process.

My doc obviously had to go on intuition and experience.

My guess is that the hydrazine sulfate should be taken when the toxic burden in the mitos is lessened to allow them to function and sorta turn the go button on again.
BUT I would not recommend just buying the hydrazine and taking it because there could be adverse affects in trying to kickstart things before your body is ready?!


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort are you going to contact Mike's doctor, or is there any way to get a more complete picture.

Also what does it mean"to great effect". Mike have ME? I personally would like a lot more info.

BTW, thanks for your ongoing work for this community.
Mike actually had one of the worst cases of ME I've ever heard of. He was very much like Whitney - emaciated, unable to handle stimuli - and he ended up almost completely recovering - which is why I called it "Mike Dessin's Amazing Recovery Story"!


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Omg! Just saw this thread..No one should take this molecule, hydrazine sulfate wout way more understanding of it. I was extremely fortunate that it worked for me but I was under supervision from a doc that knows when and how much should be taken!
I was in a comatose nearly dead state getting other treatment before he gave me hydrazine sulfate..which was a very small amount.

The very next day after I took it..my skin got really fatty..remind you I had 0 fat and was 98 pounds. I was absorbing food again, it was absolutely nuts, like my metabolism, mitos everything just clicked back on after nearly 4 years.
If I remember correctly, it was a one time thing w the hydrazine sulfate. One dose and that was it.
At that point I started my lengthy reabilitation.
I had no idea that hydrazine sulfate was such an important part of your recovery! I would think most people could handle one dose or so...The question is when is the right time to take it?

Mike by the way is a pretty big guy! 98 lbs....he must have lost 40% of his body weight...


Well-Known Member
I was extremely fortunate that it worked for me but I was under supervision from a doc that knows when and how much should be taken! I was in a comatose nearly dead state getting other treatment before he gave me hydrazine sulfate..which was a very small amount.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for chiming in today. I'm confused about the timeline here. Did you take this HS several years ago, shortly before you made your major recovery? Or was it more recently, after you had some kind of relapse? (If I remember correctly). It does sound like you're currently doing quite well, and if so, am happy that's the case.
Hi Michael,

Thanks for chiming in today. I'm confused about the timeline here. Did you take this HS several years ago, shortly before you made your major recovery? Or was it more recently, after you had some kind of relapse? (If I remember correctly). It does sound like you're currently doing quite well, and if so, am happy that's the case.
Hey Wayne..Thanks..so I took this years ago in my initial recovery.

When he gave my hydrazine I was at my sickest at least functionally, I say functionally because I had been getting treated for at least several weeks and im sure underneath all, he thought I was prepped to take it.

I think major focus needs to be on the correlation with the immune system and mitochondria as research moves forward..immune system is probably the driving factor in this.


FWIW, metformin also inhibits gluconeogenesis in the liver (which is what hydrazine sulfate is purported to be doing here)...obviously, metformin is a FAR safer option.

Re hydrazine:

To break this sick relationship, Gold reasoned, all he needed was to find a safe, nontoxic drug that inhibits gluconeogenesis (the liver's recycling of lactic acid back into glucose).

On metformin from Wikipedia:

metformin inhibits the hepatic gluconeogenesis of cori cycle

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