I got Zika virus


Well-Known Member
If you ever wonder if we are sick plp.

I got Zika and I confused it w my regular Cfs. I started having join pains and swelling. I never had swelling w Cfs so I found it odd. My 2 sisters were down w it ( very tired and not feeling well at all) like I always get so much better w viruses my energy is great. So I figured I had it after the rash broke. I had disharreah for the last 4 days and is very nausea today. I have an OI issue once I start w nausea my body doesn't stop and I am traveling so I left the prescription at home :(

Is just amazing to me what we find as a everyday thing vs normal plp.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
If you ever wonder if we are sick plp.

I got Zika and I confused it w my regular Cfs. I started having join pains and swelling. I never had swelling w Cfs so I found it odd. My 2 sisters were down w it ( very tired and not feeling well at all) like I always get so much better w viruses my energy is great. So I figured I had it after the rash broke. I had disharreah for the last 4 days and is very nausea today. I have an OI issue once I start w nausea my body doesn't stop and I am traveling so I left the prescription at home :(

Is just amazing to me what we find as a everyday thing vs normal plp.
Darn Seven...Sorry to hear that. I hope that it fades fast. Where did you get it?

Phil C

Hi Seven,

Have you gotten over the zika virus or has it left lasting effects. You mentioned joint swelling, for instance.

I am wondering whether to go with my family in the spring to the Dominican Republic. I wondered whether people with moderate ME are at greater risk than most people. Maybe not. Maybe it's not a great idea in any case because a range of people can be vulnerable to zika virus. I would be going with my wife and two teen sons.

Phil C

I thought I read something in 2016 about the zika virus possibly being more harmful for adults with ME than most adults. Can't find that now. Maybe it was someone's musing. I will be going with my family to vacation in the D.R., and will bring mosquito repellent for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Have you gotten over the zika virus or has it left lasting effects.
The cycle is very quick, I do not have any lasting effects from it (that I know of) since with my cfs I get random stuff and like I cycle symptoms about one new symptom every month, would be hard to know what is what. But I really think is just cfs stuff, I don't think I have any issues from Zica.
Now something bizarre: I like got it again. I know people say you only get it once, but about week 2, I got full blown rash again and some symptoms, then went away again. I was not exposed to another moskito for sure since I was back in the USA. And I came in with full blown Zica so the only explanation is that it reactivated somehow.

You will feel better over there. Not sure why sea level and island is so good for CFS. Make sure to be in the sea water as much as you can (does wonder for CFS).


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
The cycle is very quick, I do not have any lasting effects from it (that I know of) since with my cfs I get random stuff and like I cycle symptoms about one new symptom every month, would be hard to know what is what. But I really think is just cfs stuff, I don't think I have any issues from Zica.
Now something bizarre: I like got it again. I know people say you only get it once, but about week 2, I got full blown rash again and some symptoms, then went away again. I was not exposed to another moskito for sure since I was back in the USA. And I came in with full blown Zica so the only explanation is that it reactivated somehow.

You will feel better over there. Not sure why sea level and island is so good for CFS. Make sure to be in the sea water as much as you can (does wonder for CFS).
Wow. Well good luck....I guess that means the bug is indeed still in your system somewhere. That's great you're able to fight it off.

Your immune system is kind of working! Glad you are doing OK :)

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