ibuprofen + memantine (+ Dexedrin)-> 80% improvement


Well-Known Member
hi i feel that with use of ibuprofen symptoms get better by 80%, i had to quit though because of neurological tests on thursday where the drug is possibly interfering. after the tests i get on it as soon as possible again!!! it was as i had my life back!!!:D


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Isn't that something....That would be easy!

Keep us informed...
hi i feel that with use of ibuprofen symptoms get better by 80%, i had to quit though because of neurological tests on thursday where the drug is possibly interfering. after the tests i get on it as soon as possible again!!! it was as i had my life back!!!:D


Well-Known Member
ok, i'm on it again and it kicks inflammation in the ass! i can do all things i did 2,5years ago when all this mess started! it also prooves my theory that the cause of 'my' disease is an inflammatory process. Ibuprofen is anti-inflammatory, that's a fact and i keep searching for the true cause. all the best to everyone here, keep reading, keep testing and good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
COX-1 and COX-2 seem to be important gears in ME/CFS, they provide metabolism for arachidonacid to Prostaglandins...


Well-Known Member
@loki Yes anti imflammatories work for us see the thread on Montoya being successful. The problem is that will perforate your gut. So we cannot use long term. There are other 2 being talked about celebrex and forgot the other by now. You need something that will not damage gut and can cross bbb.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
ok, i'm on it again and it kicks inflammation in the ass! i can do all things i did 2,5years ago when all this mess started! it also prooves my theory that the cause of 'my' disease is an inflammatory process. Ibuprofen is anti-inflammatory, that's a fact and i keep searching for the true cause. all the best to everyone here, keep reading, keep testing and good luck!!!
I'm going to have to try ibuprofen. One of the NSAIDS I'm fiercely allergic to - I hope it's not that one

Pridgens antiviral protocol uses celebrex.. One person with severe ME/CFS ditched the famvir part and just went on Celebrex and did great for about two months I think it was. His fatigue and depression lifted and then it disappeared unfortunately...

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