Invest in ME Raises almost $1,000,000 For ME/CFS Research


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
This is encouraging. Invest in ME announced they've almost a million dollars for their two projects on the Gut Microbiome and the role B-cells play in ME/CFS. A paper on their B-cell findings is coming out soon as well.

Over £600k on Our Way to a Million!

A winning combination of philanthropy and proactive patient power has sped us past the £600,000 milestone on the way to our target of £1,000,000 for Invest in ME Charity’s Biomedical Research Funds.

Invest in ME Research announced yesterday that the Hendrie Foundation has kindly increased their funding pledge to the charity’s B-cell / Rituximab Research Fund by a further £50,000 to a total of £275,000 pledged.

Together with recent donations, including £10,000 from a sponsor wishing to remain anonymous, this latest generous gesture takes the current total raised by our community crowdfunding campaign to an incredible £619,000.

The Invest in ME Centre of Excellence translational biomedical research projects are designed to establish reliable diagnostic tests and effective treatments for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) to benefit patients and doctors alike.

The two current major research projects are: the role of the gut microbiome in MEat Norwich Research Park; and the role of B-cells in ME at University College London, leading to a UK clinical trial of rituximab, adding value to the current Phase 3 multi-centre clinical trial of rituximab in ME patients in Norway meanwhile. Both projects include progressive national and international collaboration with clinicians and scientists involved in biomedical research.

A paper on the B-cell study is due for publication. Dr. Jo Cambridge and Fane Mensah from the UCL team are in Bergen to liaise further with Dr. Fluge and Prof. Mella, the researchers leading the Phase 3 randomized double blind placebo controlled multi-centre trials of rituximab induction and maintenance treatment in Norway. This collaboration is ongoing and facilitated by the Invest in ME Conference (IIMEC) and Biomedical Researchers into ME Colloquium (BRMEC).

If you already help to raise funds for this essential research strategy then we cannot thank you enough. We have long-term and severe ME and we are intent on helping Invest in ME Research to change the landscape of diagnosis and treatment of this disease for the next generation, as well as maintaining realistic hope for our own futures, thanks to their extraordinary vision and work.

If you are new to our site, then we extend a warm welcome and invite you to join us in our proactive support of Invest in ME Research charity’s work on establishing a centre of excellence for ME; the first of its kind in UK/Europe and with national and international collaboration. This is urgent and vital work.

The charity itself is run by dedicated volunteers working in their own time and without pay. Funds we raise are for their biomedical research strategy.
Please browse our site to find a number of ways you can help raise funds for the charity at no extra cost to yourself, such as using a referral link or cash-back site when shopping online, buying cards and gifts from supporters donating full or part profits to Invest in ME, braving the heat of the Chilli M.E. Challenge, or being sponsored for anything from going Facebook-free to climbing Kilimanjaro.

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