IV Ozone- Have You Tried It?

Eset Isadore

Active Member
My doctor has wanted me to try a series of IV Ozone treatments for a long time. I resisted initially - and now for well over a year.

I knew instinctively that I needed to be stronger to consider it. I remain unsettled about my warmed blood being exposed to plastic tubing and mixed with heparin before being returned to me. I’m careful about exposures environmentally and pharmaceutically and this situation is no different to me.

It is very clear to me that I need more oxygen delivered effectively at a cellular level. For seven months I fantasized about HBOT until I finally could access it - twice daily at 2ATA for 15 days. It helped, as I knew it would, just not enough and I cannot afford to continue.

I have had or have babesiosis, bartonellosis, raised titer levels for several viruses (HHV-6, EBV, and Parvovirus amongst them), malaria and other fun. I also have been diagnosed with CIRS, but finally have a mold-free home. Heavy metals (lead in the lead) play some role too. I have been at the more severe end of the ME/CFS spectrum, including significant neurological and cognitive impacts. My doctor seems convinced these treatments will boost my immunity at a key cellular level.

In any event, I’m not asking anyone to weigh in on my own choice. I am very curious if you’d be willing to share your own experience with me. Will you kindly?

- Have you done IV Ozone treatments?
- Did you have positive lab results for pathogenic viruses, bacteria, or parasites prior to it? What other diagnostic features have you had?
- What was your level of function like beforehand?
- How many treatments? How often? Over what amount of time?
- Were they done solo or in combination with other IVs (and which, if so)?
- What was your experience like during the treatment process?
- How do you evaluate its effectiveness for you individually?

Thank you, in advance, for sharing your experience with me!


- Have you done IV Ozone treatments?
- Did you have positive lab results for pathogenic viruses, bacteria, or parasites prior to it? What other diagnostic features have you had?
- What was your level of function like beforehand?
- How many treatments? How often? Over what amount of time?
- Were they done solo or in combination with other IVs (and which, if so)?
- What was your experience like during the treatment process?
- How do you evaluate its effectiveness for you individually?

Yes, I've done probably a dozen ozone IVs. I am waiting now for them to get their 10 pass machine ready and then will start again. I have been diagnosed with various viral and bacterial infections, such as Lyme, but I am not sure if I really have infections or just have a dysregulated antibody system.

I'm at about 50% of normal. I did notice some improvement but it was gradual and may also have been due to the additional fluids in the form of saline.

They use a Myer's cocktail mix of B vits with the ozonated blood. The IV itself is just like any other IV.

Bottom line, I think it is a useful treatment but it may take a while to see full results. At $200 a pop, that's a lot of money so I ultimately discontinued them in favor of the intravenous laser IV treatments. I am holding out more hope for the 10 pass treatment.

Eset Isadore

Active Member
Autohemotherapy with Ozone, as I understand it, does not have a worrisome safety record. Ozone inhalation, as noted in that link, is an entirely other concern!

Eset Isadore

Active Member
Yes, I've done probably a dozen ozone IVs. I am waiting now for them to get their 10 pass machine ready and then will start again. I have been diagnosed with various viral and bacterial infections, such as Lyme, but I am not sure if I really have infections or just have a dysregulated antibody system.

I'm at about 50% of normal. I did notice some improvement but it was gradual and may also have been due to the additional fluids in the form of saline.

They use a Myer's cocktail mix of B vits with the ozonated blood. The IV itself is just like any other IV.

Bottom line, I think it is a useful treatment but it may take a while to see full results. At $200 a pop, that's a lot of money so I ultimately discontinued them in favor of the intravenous laser IV treatments. I am holding out more hope for the 10 pass treatment.

And, may I ask: what is 10 pass?


Actually, Autohemotherapy is dangerous and has no evidence of effectiveness, and it is the treatment that the FDA has jailed people over due to dangerous effects:

One case report in a decade does not a dangerous treatment make. Ozone has a long safety record, provided one doesn’t breathe it, of course.

Might want to educate yourself before making pronouncements more fit for a different forum.

Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Medical O3 is used to disinfect and treat disease. Mechanism of actions is by inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system.



No, but 10 deaths within 5 years does.


If you read that review you'll see that the only research has been into HIV, and Autohemotherapy was proven to be ineffective in that study.
That's the most ridiculous website I think I've ever seen. All those people were severely ill and it's preposterous to blame their deaths on ozone when they all had other serious diagnoses like cancer.

In the study I saw on HIV, the treatment was proven ineffective but not harmful. There are any number of reasons that the study might not have yielded positive results having nothing to do with ozone itself. But the key take away is that it was perfectly safe and increased sense of well being. Sounds like something we could all use!


This particular immune deficiency may be cor- rected by treating HIV asymptomatic individuals with a fairly normal T lymphocyte CD4 level with a therapeutic procedure that, although unorthodox, has already been extensively tested in chronic viral diseases and is very simple to execute, safe, inexpen- sive and free of side effects.34-39 The scope of this paperistoevaluateprosandconsofthisapproach that, by using the available markers for disease stag- ing and therapy monitoring can be put to the test in clinical trials immediately. As autohaemotherapy has amply proved37-4 to be safe and atoxic, we can undertake a phase II study directly.



The use of ozone (O3) gas as a therapy in alternative medicine has attracted skepticism due to its unstable molecular structure.

However, copious volumes of research have provided evidence that O3's dynamic resonance structures facilitate physiological interactions useful in treating a myriad of pathologies.

Specifically, O3 therapy induces moderate oxidative stress when interacting with lipids. This interaction increases endogenous production of antioxidants, local perfusion, and oxygen delivery, as well as enhances immune responses.

We have conducted a comprehensive review of O3 therapy, investigating its contraindications, routes and concentrations of administration, mechanisms of action, disinfectant properties in various microorganisms, and its medicinal use in different pathologies. We explore the therapeutic value of O3 in pathologies of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, central nervous system, head and neck, musculoskeletal, subcutaneous tissue, and peripheral vascular disease.

Despite compelling evidence, further studies are essential to mark it as a viable and quintessential treatment option in medicine.



Active Member
I did over 250 treatments at home but not IV (insufflation and steam). Ozone is perhaps one of the best therapies I did but did not resolve my issues (I developed a series of other techniques). The biggest issue with ozone is the administration of proper dosages. The Cubans did studies on this about the measure of antioxidant qualities of the patient then adjusting the right dosage to that patient. The issue is that ozone is a strong oxidant and it must be neutralized, this is where anti oxidants come in.

Ozone is quite capable of eliminating many organisms but not be a one size fits all technique, for instance if the pathogen is harboring in the gastrointestinal tract (parasites, rogue bacteria) then ozone may not be able to reach it. However is the pathogen is systemic then it may be effective. Unfortunately with the many therapies available, one has to make an informed decision and weigh the pros and cons.

One note is that ozone is able to provoke toxins out of the body and I think it does it quite well. Toxins are a growing problem and certainly can interfere with normal cell function including immunity and detoxification which are major issues for M.E. patients. I personally believe this is where ozone was quite useful for me.
Ozone therapy is dangerous, and the FDA has jailed doctors for using it.


Ozone is poisonous, and an administrator shouldn't be promoting it on the forum.
Why then has it been used in Germany for many, many years? They also have excellent studies about it. We do not exactly have a corrupt free FDA. Have you studied this from an international perspective? Read the medical journals from other countries??


Active Member
Ozone was widely used in the US hospitals before the advent of pharma, it is said that it was considered a threat and was removed under pressure via the AMA in the 1930's. In many countries such as Cuba and Russia, where there are limitations in medical spending, ozone is widely practised.


As with anything, due diligence is necessary. Ozone is a strong oxidizer so it is important to apply correct dosages as not to overrun the redox capacities of the body and to use judicious amounts of antioxidants. I administered 200+ treatments and this was the biggest issue I ran into, but i am still alive:)

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