Jarred Younger


Is Jarred Younger online doing a Q&A as I write this? Does anyone know how I find it on line? Thank you!


Well-Known Member
One about how LDN only works with pain because it increases endorphins so why not just give the patient Opioids.

And are you investigating the role of Oxidative Stress at all? Since LDN reduces Oxidative stress, would not finding the source of Reactive Oxygen Species be more of a priority?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
One about how LDN only works with pain because it increases endorphins so why not just give the patient Opioids.

And are you investigating the role of Oxidative Stress at all? Since LDN reduces Oxidative stress, would not finding the source of Reactive Oxygen Species be more of a priority?
Every MECFS study that has looked for oxidative stress has found it in spades. Shungu believes it may play a huge role in the lactate he's found in the brain. I have no doubt that it plays a role - but what is causing it? Inflammation? Hypoxia? A damaged antioxidant system? ???


Well-Known Member
Every MECFS study that has looked for oxidative stress has found it in spades. Shungu believes it may play a huge role in the lactate he's found in the brain. I have no doubt that it plays a role - but what is causing it? Inflammation? Hypoxia? A damaged antioxidant system? ???

There is no one cause, that is the key. The way to find out where is though looking at genetics, diet, lifestyle, the whole thing. And the cure is finding the cofactors you need to take to stimulate enzyme activity, be it neurotransmitters or antioxidation, and be on the diet you need to be on to reduce ROS and neurotransmitters.

There will never be a magic pill that cures all CFS because the ROS are not produced in the same pathway by everyone who has CFS. The expression of CFS will depend on immune system genetics, but those genetics are not the cause. I mean even LDN only relieves symptoms in 66% of the people.

I do not believe there is "one" CFS, I believe there are hundreds. Just look at glutathione recycling, both B2 and Selenium issues can reduce antioxidation and cause issues. The only way to know is looking at the genetics and taking the appropriate cofactor. So selenium might work for one person but not for the other, so therefor they say it is useless, but that is only because they were not looking at the genetics,


Well-Known Member
This from ME Research UK who have reviewed the video

"Particularly interesting is his hypothesis (26 min 40 sec in) that inflammation in the central nervous system drives a number of conditions including ME/CFS, increasing brain temperature by around 1°C.

The lab’s early experiments to measure brain temperature by MRI in ME/CFS and rheumatoid arthritis have had promising results, and the possibility that brain temperature increases are related to decreases in brain blood flow will be investigated using arterial labelling (32.35)


Well-Known Member
The video is recommended, lots of fascinating content So much going on at the UAB.

His final remarks were interesting, he would like to search up a programme testing existing drugs for others conditions where pain & fatigue are involved on ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia. This is because it takes so long to get government based funding & there may be a range of drugs which could help

He reckoned it would take $4 million of funding to test multiple drugs in trials. The funding could come from a private benefactor or crowd funding. He mentioned to watch for an announcement soon.

WATCH THE VIDEO :) (but skip the first 10-15 minutes)

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