Is Jarred Younger online doing a Q&A as I write this? Does anyone know how I find it on line? Thank you!
Thank you Cort. I have it ready and waiting
I think it's in about an hour and 30 minutes
What were your questions?Wow, what a waste that was. Just filled with chit chat. Moderator skipped my questions.
Every MECFS study that has looked for oxidative stress has found it in spades. Shungu believes it may play a huge role in the lactate he's found in the brain. I have no doubt that it plays a role - but what is causing it? Inflammation? Hypoxia? A damaged antioxidant system? ???One about how LDN only works with pain because it increases endorphins so why not just give the patient Opioids.
And are you investigating the role of Oxidative Stress at all? Since LDN reduces Oxidative stress, would not finding the source of Reactive Oxygen Species be more of a priority?
Every MECFS study that has looked for oxidative stress has found it in spades. Shungu believes it may play a huge role in the lactate he's found in the brain. I have no doubt that it plays a role - but what is causing it? Inflammation? Hypoxia? A damaged antioxidant system? ???
"Particularly interesting is his hypothesis (26 min 40 sec in) that inflammation in the central nervous system drives a number of conditions including ME/CFS, increasing brain temperature by around 1°C.
The lab’s early experiments to measure brain temperature by MRI in ME/CFS and rheumatoid arthritis have had promising results, and the possibility that brain temperature increases are related to decreases in brain blood flow will be investigated using arterial labelling (32.35)
ThanksPS the Alabama accent of the presenter is a hoot!