Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - A Personal Story of the Struggle for Recovery

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Well-Known Member
This is the first book I read after I got sick. He was in the original clinical trials for Ampligen which is why I posted this. You can read excerpts on the Amazon link.

Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Personal Story of the Struggle for Recovery

Timothy Kenny, Author, Paul R. Cheney, Foreword by Thunder's Mouth Press $12.95 (228p) ISBN 978-1-56025-075-3

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (commonly known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome--CFS) is a little understood disorder that destroys the health of thousands every year. In his first book, Kenny, addicted to an adrenalin-charged life in television when he contracts CFS, chronicles his struggle with the disease. Perhaps because CFS tends to undermine one's ability to communicate clearly, Kenny's book is both a chronological mess and is marred by hackneyed writing (``despite this fantasy come true, I sensed I was living on borrowed time'').

A meandering account of his climb up the ladder of success is followed by descriptions of CFS, its treatment, several autobiographical short stories and an epilogue written by his wife. In this muddle, it is clear that Kenny hopes that his shared insights will give CFS sufferers (and those who care for them) a better understanding of the disease, and of ``what must take place in the months and years after a serious illness changes one's life.'' But readers may have to take Kenny's science with a grain of salt; witness his contention that ``incredibly, as many as 15% of CFS patients see their fingerprints fade away,'' a claim that cries out for further explanation. Kenny's work poignantly conveys how much CFS sufferers lose of their selves, but better-documented resources on CFS are available. (Apr.)


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I'm shocked I never heard of it. Thanks for passing it along. Note that you can get it for a penny plus shipping now :)

I wonder how he's doing? It would be fascinating to find out.

This is the first book I read after I got sick. He was in the original clinical trials for Ampligen which is why I posted this. You can read excerpts on the Amazon link.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I wonder how he's doing? It would be fascinating to find out.

I've looked for him from time to time. I have no idea what happened to him but I remember (from 20 years ago!) that he documents his being in the Ampligen trial.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I've looked for him from time to time. I have no idea what happened to him but I remember (from 20 years ago!) that he documents his being in the Ampligen trial.
I hope he's doing OK...I imagine that he's still struggling with this.

It takes a lot of work to write a book - a lot of work - so he was clearly very involved in the fight so to speak....

It looks like he may have written several other books


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member

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