Mast Cell Activation Disease - The Modern Epidemics of Chronic illness - Afrin

Mast Cell Activation Disease - The Modern Epidemics of Chronic illness - Afrin


Then did I misunderstand why to take 30-60 minutes before meals to keep gut calm?

@Lissa Just bought some low phenol Neuroprotek. I'll be cured!
Leaky gut is small intestine; constipation is large intestine. I think!

Ketotifen is supposed to help with leaky gut by mast cells activated by food but I haven't noticed that translate to bowel habits. Although they do say it can take 6-12 months.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Leaky gut is small intestine; constipation is large intestine. I think!

Ketotifen is supposed to help with leaky gut by mast cells activated by food but I haven't noticed that translate to bowel habits. Although they do say it can take 6-12 months.

Well I could have both plus a bunch of other crap so who knows? I'm sure I'll be cured.

The stuff was cheap enough I got 3-4 month for $35 I think? So I'll keep at it.


Well-Known Member
Well I could have both plus a bunch of other crap so who knows? I'm sure I'll be cured.

The stuff was cheap enough I got 3-4 month for $35 I think? So I'll keep at it.
Would you post or PM me where you ordered from. GastroCrom is so expensive and I wonder if Ketotifen would work as well. GastroCrom helps my gut and bowel function tremendously. Also helps with a lot of my POTS symptoms.


Well-Known Member
My apt yesterday went well -- my naturopath is on board with experimenting with H1/H2 blockers. This is all new to him, but thankfully he is open to new ideas.

I've been feeling better taking Claritin for seasonal allergies in the past couple weeks. We'll see if adding Zantac helps even more in the next month. Then if that seems to work, we'll look at adding (or replacing with??) Quercitin, flavinoids, etc.

@Who Me? that Neuroprotek sounded like a good blend -- let me know how that goes for you!

I'm interested in Ketotifen since I have so many problems with all kinds of foods now, but it wasn't one that he mentioned. Hard to find in the US maybe? Or am I thinking of the wrong one?

Do flavinoids and Quercitin do the same thing as Ketotifen? just curious...


Well-Known Member
I just learned of an herb that GastroCrom is based from called Khellin or amniotic visnaga. It appears to also help with vitiligo (that I have). Used as a mast cell stabilizer. Appears there is a warning that it could cause liver damage. It's not recommended to use long term. But if it works like GastroCrom, could be an option.


Who Me?

Well-Known Member


sodium originally derived from a healing herb called ammi visnaga. Among its other uses, ammi visnaga traditionally controlled kidney stone pain. Its ability to open the airways intrigued early researchers. They eventually identified the plant’s active ingredient: cromolyn sodium. Cromolyn sodium is known to prevent mast cells from triggering the immune response. This response causes unpleasant allergy symptoms. However, it’s uncertain exactly how this activity helps prevent asthma attacks.

From a different site. Looks interesting

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Remy. I found it on amazon. Very good . People say it really helps with lung stuff which we know is an issue for me.

And one place said it was used to treat kidney stones. It's still widely used elsewhere. Worth looking into more.


Who Me?

Well-Known Member
"KHELLA Side Effects & Safety. Khella is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken in high doses or used for a long time. It can cause side effects including liver problems, nausea, dizziness, constipation, lack of appetite, headache, itching, trouble sleeping, and skin sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitization)."

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Can some one tell me the dosage of Gastrocrom? I'm looking at the cost on my insurance site and I can't figure it out.

It does seem expensive. Can someone clarify for me?


Can some one tell me the dosage of Gastrocrom? I'm looking at the cost on my insurance site and I can't figure it out.

It does seem expensive. Can someone clarify for me?
Over 8 weeks ramp up from 1 vial a day to 8 vials a day (2 vials four times daily).

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
It's weird because on my insurance site one place says $200/month. Another says $35. Goodrx says $100.

This is where khella comes in


Well-Known Member
GastroCrom is now being doubled by my doc at Mayo to some patients. It is really expensive. The herb looks interesting, but I'm afraid of the side effects too. I've been on GastroCrom several years now. At my pharmacy without insurance it is $1,700 a month. Thank goodness for insurance.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I'm going to ask my Np about the other stuff. If you look at Goodrx they show prices at pharmacies. There is a generic gastrocrom.

The warnings were if you take too much for too long. Might be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Mine is generic. Problem is, few companies make it and there isn't a huge need for it. So they charge an unreal amount for it.

I may try the herb . But I already have liver issues, so will have to be careful. It's supposed to help vitiligo too. So that would be nice.

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