May 19th Jarred Younger UAB webinar

Who Me?

Well-Known Member



Maybe put the date in the title so people know it's a new one?

These are always great and I'm looking forward to this one too. Please everyone join in live if you can so that they keep doing them!

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Note my confirming email had the wrong time for me. Someone else's was wrong too so don't count on that for the correct time.

I have the attention span of a gnat and this was very easy to follow. He just talks and answers questions. If he doesn't know something he says so. Very refreshing.

And very interesting.


Well-Known Member
I saw his previous presentation and I liked it a lot! very clear, very interesting. He seems eager to find out what's wrong with us, which is so refreshing! I prefer to listen in later, so good to know there's a playback.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I saw his previous presentation and I liked it a lot! very clear, very interesting. He seems eager to find out what's wrong with us, which is so refreshing! I prefer to listen in later, so good to know there's a playback.

He's looking into the brain inflammation and if our brains are hotter than normal controls. That's his area of interest.

He did talk about microglia and named a few things to calm it down since he thinks that is a problem. LDN, French Maritime Pine Bark, dextromethorphan, resveretrol and curcumin.
And something like albutolast?


Active Member
It was a wonderful presentation. Dr Younger is fantastic ... so clear, straightforward, and open about what he's working on, and what he does and doesn't know. He's perhaps the best thing that's ever happened for us patients.


Well-Known Member
just out of curiosity: does anyone know if Jarred Younger has a family member who has ME? that's usually the case when researchers turn their interest towards ME...


Well-Known Member
just listened to the recording. it was so good!!! very easy to listen to, lots of interesting images. this guy is awesome!! :singing:

the two most important things he's studying are these (hope it's ok to post it here, if not I'll delete):

1. he'll try to measure brain temperature, as a marker for neuroinflammation. This is not easy to measure, as brain fever doesn't mean you run a fever in your entire body. But it does bring the entire body into a diseased state. He'll use MRS which is non invase and a lot cheaper than other scans.

a first very small sample (2 healthy controls, 2 CFS, 1 CFS+RA, 1 RA) clearly showed that both CFS and RA had brain fever.

2. immune cell tracking: the hypothesis here is that for some reason our blood brain barrier could be damaged. If this is true, periferal immune cells could go into brain, which would start causing inflammation in the brain, which leads to problems in all the bodily systems. It is very similar to what happens in MS, but less physically destructive (not autoimmune cells like in MS, programmed to destroy).

this hypothesis could also explain why ritux works: less b-cells = less b-cells crossing over into brain = less trouble.

How will they test this hypothesis: take out immune cells, tag them with a contrast agent (?), reinject those immune cells into patients blood, later take brain scans.

What they expect to see:
- in healthy brain: no infiltration, cause blood brain barrier is healthy.
- in ME/CFS: they expect to see these cells swimming around in the brain, cause they are able to cross the broken blood brain barrier.

Good thing about these scans is: there is no background noise, so they'd only see the tagged cells and nothing else, which makes things very clear.

These studies have not started yet, so we'll have to be patient! :headphone::yawn::nailbiting:


I think I heard him say that the brain temperature study will be starting in the next couple of months.

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