ME Awareness day 12 May


Well-Known Member
Details of some events for ME Awareness Day on 12th May have published.
2016 Events
May 12th has been designated as International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND) since 1992. The diseases included in CIND include Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM), Gulf War Syndrome(GWS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

This document will be used to record events planned for 2016. If you have an event to add, please either email or post the details of your event on . For more information about May 12th International Awareness Day please see or

Note: This list can be accessed at .
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Well-Known Member
Soem of the worldwide events
2016 events


  • Everyone can do this - do this one simple thing - tell one other person about May 12th and ask that person to tell one other person. If we all do this, then there will be a wave of knowledge that will spread around the world and in no time everyone will know about us.
  • Everyone that uses Facebook, LIKE and SHARE at least one image from the May12th page to your timeline. See
  • We need media coverage! If you know anyone, please contact them and ask for a story. Send an email to your local newspapers (an article or letter to the editor), TV stations and radio stations and ask the to mention it. Call in to talk radio shows. Let us know if you have success and provide us with a link to anything that gets published. Also, please help us by sending us a sample of your contact letter so we can make a draft letter people can use next year.
  • a request will be submitted to Google asking for a Google Doodle for May 12th. A Doodle is the artwork you see on the Google search page. You can show your support for it by LIKEing Facebook page or by sending your own request to We need support from around the world. Sadly they did not give us a Doodle in past years but we will maintain the page and try again every year until they do.
  • Join all Thuderclaps that are set up to go off on May 12th. A list will be provided soon.
  • Light Up the Night Challenge - see event We are asking you to light up public buildings and your own residence with one of the three colours: blue (ME, CFS), purple (FM) and green (MCS or Lyme). If you light your own house, send a picture to by May 31st to be counted in the contest. Let us know if you can take a picture of any of these Landmarks:- list to come
  • Proclaim your city or town by writing your Mayor. For a sample letter see
  • You can find some awareness ribbon images here .
  • Do you write a blog? The #May12BlogBomb is back! Details to follow.
  • If you don’t have a blog, you can be a guest blogger on the May12th blog. If you like to write, send an article about May 12th or raising awareness and we'll post it in the blog during the month of May. It can be about your plans for raising awareness, why awareness is important, what May 12th means to you, value of May 12th or anything related. Send it by May 12th to with the subject Guest Blog.
  • Decorate your garden or tie ribbons around trees or mailboxes in one or all of the 3 colours and send a picture to us. .
  • Dress in one or all of the 3 colours and tell people. Perhaps dye your hair. You can also by t-shirts etc on zazzle or cafepress. Also capture the moment and send it to
  • Make your own event and let us know about it. If you have ideas for events but aren't well enough to organize it, just send us the idea. We're making a list of ideas for next year and will include yours. It may inspire someone else.
  • Write your elected representatives. If you write one, send it to us so we can create instructions and a draft for your country that others can use.
  • Write to your local newspaper and asked for a story on May 12th. Let us know if you can get your local news to report on it.
  • The Graticast is making a video for May 12th and needs your submissions.
  • Tweeting worldwide is planned. Please use hashtag #may12th when tweeting.
  • Dr Eleanor Stein is hosting a webcast. Wednesday May 11, 2016 for International Awareness Day – Webinar on the topic of neuroplasticity and its uses in mood, persistent pain and overall wellness. Registration details will be posted as soon as speakers and topics are confirmed.
  • Post an awareness picture or a fact about your illness on your Facebook timeline, google+, Pinterest, twitter or Instagram accounts. Try to post to several social media outlets.
  • Also please join Facebook event and stay informed about activities at



Well-Known Member
In Canada




Well-Known Member
Are there any short explanatory fliers, or even phrases, that can be provided to the individuals we are trying to make aware. It's great that so many people will know we exist and that there's a day for CINDs, but don't we need to inform them in very short, easy to absorb sound bites?

I'm thinking if we have a place that will let us put up posters or fliers, or pass out T-shirts, we need something short and catchy to help people understand what we're dealing with. Something like: "Annual federal funding for ME research -- $5. Annual funding for male pattern baldness -- $500" (with the correct numbers in there, of course). Or maybe "Imagine the worst flu you ever had. Imagine it continuing for the rest of your life. That's what having ME is like."

Is there a resource somewhere for that kind of thing?


Well-Known Member
Did anybody requested the Google icon to be a purple ribbon that day (last time I checked the day was available) and when you pass by icon say "ME International awareness day" but I am not a recognized ME organization to do the request. So if any of the ME groups want to submit the form. that would be awesome. (Providing the icon also).

The more countries that ask the best chance also.

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