ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Patients on Drugs For Better Sleep

Resource ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Patients on Drugs For Better Sleep


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort submitted a new resource:

ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Patients on the Drugs That Help Them Sleep - Sleep drugs that help FM and ME/CFS patients to sleep

In a response to a Sleep Survey ME/CFS and FM patients state which other drugs help them sleep

Sleep Drugs

Zoplicone /Zolpiderm - a sleep initiator, was easily the most commonly cited sleep aid.

      • Zipliclone (Zimovane) - 3x's
      • My single most effective sleep medication. As it seems it's not approved in US but prescribed commonly in Europe. The standard sleep drug in hospitals here is Zopiclone though; a lot of people are using this....

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Active Member
Cort, that was an extensive list. I have tried about all of them except Xanax and Lunesta. But good old Melatonin 10mg, knocks me out like a charm. Which is crazy because a long time ago, like 25 years, I was told the more you take the more awake you will stay. But apparently, the nature health store guy was wrong. Tried 5mg went to sleep for 5 hours, tried 10 mg, I sleep 10 hours, no joke. With ear plugs in a Nuclear Bomb could go off and I would never know it. A hurricane actually passed over our house from the Gulf of Mexico. Raging enough to take out power lines, sucking of roof tiles, the kids, the dogs were freaking out, but my hubby let me sleep, probably hoping I would get sucked up too. ROFL! So yeah, it works, plus my Military grade earplugs.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort, that was an extensive list. I have tried about all of them except Xanax and Lunesta. But good old Melatonin 10mg, knocks me out like a charm. Which is crazy because a long time ago, like 25 years, I was told the more you take the more awake you will stay. But apparently, the nature health store guy was wrong. Tried 5mg went to sleep for 5 hours, tried 10 mg, I sleep 10 hours, no joke. With ear plugs in a Nuclear Bomb could go off and I would never know it. A hurricane actually passed over our house from the Gulf of Mexico. Raging enough to take out power lines, sucking of roof tiles, the kids, the dogs were freaking out, but my hubby let me sleep, probably hoping I would get sucked up too. ROFL! So yeah, it works, plus my Military grade earplugs.

OMG...This is sooo funny...

With ear plugs in a Nuclear Bomb could go off and I would never know it. A hurricane actually passed over our house from the Gulf of Mexico. Raging enough to take out power lines, sucking of roof tiles, the kids, the dogs were freaking out, but my hubby let me sleep, probably hoping I would get sucked up too.


Thanks for the laugh. I will add your comment to the resource section on supplements - :)


Well-Known Member
Helpful resource, Cort!

I didn't see trazodone on the list, did I miss it? It seems to be used a fair bit by doctors who understand ME. IIRC, it's used more as a sleep maintenance drug than a sleep initiation drug.

In the early days of my ME, I had both sleep initiation and sleep maintenance problems. My specialist at the time recommended treating both and trying to drop the initiation meds as I improved. For me, the initiation treatment was easy. OTC pain med and antihistamine. What my specialist suspected, but I didn't realize, was that my ME aches and pains were keeping me awake. The antihistamine was just a mild soporific.

The worst part for me was the sleep maintenance. I woke up every hour or two, all night, every night. Dreadful. No real deep sleep at all, ever. For that he prescribed trazodone. For me it worked like a charm. I slept through the night, and deeply, from the first dose. What a relief! I've seen two other specialists since then, and both of them kept me on the trazodone. I did drop the sleep initiation meds eventually as we got more of my symptoms, including pain, under control.

For me, the Apotex brand works best. The Qualitest is okay. The Pliva/Teva is absolutely horrendous. I'd rather go back to not sleeping than take that brand, it was that bad.

Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
Cant remember the name of it but anyone tried the new sleep med released last year belsomra thats it. I saw poor reviews shortly after coming out. On paper it looks good but reality is what its about


Active Member
Where do you get these?
They are the really good ear plugs you can get if you work on flight carrier or at the gun ranges so you don't go deaf. I had a friend who was still in the service and "nabbed" me a box, but I have seen like kinds at CVS. They are shaped like tubes with fluted ends. At CVS, they are pink and yellow and everyone who has a mate who snores so loud they suck the stucco off the ceilings, say they pass my hurricane test. I like them because I have pushed some others too deep out of frustration to reach my Nirvana of Silence. Then spent the next morning sitting in bed with my tweezers FOREVER trying to pull them out! These are safety plugs for ditzy bleached blondes, too.

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