Laurel Crosby recently said she thinks "Things are going to turn very quickly in this disease". You've probably never heard of Laurel Crosby, and she's never published on this disease - so why should you listen to her? Because Laurel Crosby is deeply, deeply embedded in Ron Davis's work. In fact, she may be his closest collaborator.
[/fright]I happened to meet Laurel Crosby at the San Francisco IACFS/ME meeting two years ago. She was spitting out theories and ideas so quickly my eyes were crossing. What an intellect I thought! (What a humbling experience as well
I thought, my god, this woman HAS to have a central role in all this - and it turns out she does. She's been working with Ron Davis for four years producing intricate models that attempt to explain what's happening in ME/CFS. Those models took on a new significance when metabolomics testing opened things up tremendously. (More about that later).
Janet Dafoe, Ron's partner, said Laurel can dig up things that nobody else. She's a tenacious, dedicated researcher.
So when she says at the MEAction rally at San Francisco that she thinks "Things are going to turn very quickly" in this disease - she's definitely someone to listen to.
Stay tuned for a talk with Laurel Crosby...
I thought, my god, this woman HAS to have a central role in all this - and it turns out she does. She's been working with Ron Davis for four years producing intricate models that attempt to explain what's happening in ME/CFS. Those models took on a new significance when metabolomics testing opened things up tremendously. (More about that later).
Janet Dafoe, Ron's partner, said Laurel can dig up things that nobody else. She's a tenacious, dedicated researcher.
So when she says at the MEAction rally at San Francisco that she thinks "Things are going to turn very quickly" in this disease - she's definitely someone to listen to.
Stay tuned for a talk with Laurel Crosby...
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