Over the course of 3 years I gradually improved my health from being at less then 5% of functionality and declining fast to exceeding 25% of functionality and slowly improving. I’ve been asked a few times what helped me improving and to write about it. After much hesitation I’ll start doing this. It will be a series meant to be read in numerical order of the topics.
Why hesitating to write about what helped me so far?
Over the course of 3 years I gradually improved my health from being at less then 5% of functionality and declining fast to exceeding 25% of functionality and slowly improving. I’ve been asked a few times what helped me improving and to write about it. After much hesitation I’ll start doing this. It will be a series meant to be read in numerical order of the topics.
Why hesitating to write about what helped me so far?
- I do not wish to promote things that can fire back on people.
- I do not wish to give people false hope.
- I do not wish to talk too early about it while I am still too unsure as to how it happened and how much of it was pure luck.
- I’ll only start talking about things that repeated well for my particular case, reducing the chance it was pure luck.
- I’ll only start talking about things that start to make sense in my mind. I have plenty of ideas deviating from commonly held views so making sense is a relative thing.
- The need of stories on what helped is big. Please consider it to be but a story to trigger conversation on the forum and let people share their opinions on these experiences.
- With my story I want first and foremost that people who recognize my experiences can join the conversation and hopefully see better how these particular experiences COULD fit into a bigger picture.
- With my story I also want to talk about my failures and the potential pitfalls I saw or stepped in. What is a pitfall for me must not be for others, but at least people should not have to rediscover time and again certain things that can cause crashes by costly experience.
- Therefore I wish to talk first about what I did to improve safety of my own experiments.
- Always keep in mind: what works well for one may fire back badly and be very hard to undo for many others. This disease is specialized in diversity of symptoms and of reaction to changes!
- => Just copying what I died WILL get your health worse! Count on it, not adapting to your needs and listening to your own body is a SURE recipe for failure!
- Nothing I tried is science let alone settled and safe science.
- => Keep away from things that you have no experience with and cannot introduce into your life in a very gradual and safe way to see how it fits you!
- When something feels like making you worse, 9 times out of 10 it’s just that. I do not deny the existence of a Herxheimer reaction. I just tell that while going from 5-% to 25+% I never needed it once. A clear Herx reaction is IMO often a sign of starting with too high a dose. Going slower for a longer period often yields the same effect minus the cost of the strong reaction.
- IMO due to this lesser averse effects I believe this approach has a lower entrance bar and higher chances of success. I must admit observation is easier when there is a Herx reaction, but what do you observe: success or catastrophe?
- => Try out things SLOW AND STEADY. Try 5 things fast and big and you’re very likely to crash and burn. That’s nothing but plain chance calculations!
- When going small and steady, good observations are essential. Therefore trying to avoid having PEMs is very important. Observing small changes if wave after wave of PEM hits you is like reading a compass held in your hands on the deck of a sailboat on a very rough sea.
- => Learn to avoid PEM. I’ll discuss some things that work for me in the series.
- => In order to learn and avoid PEM, learn to keep track of your daily load and keep it fairly constant. Having standard stock daily boring routines does help.
- => In order to learn and avoid PEM, learn to see the early signs that indicate that you are going towards PEM. Discovering this is easier if your days are similar and you have standard stock daily boring routines.
- => When planning on changing something, make sure you have a sufficiently long stable period before doing so. Take notes on how you feel: when things gradually improve it is often hard to distinguish small changes over time. But when successful they do add up over time. Comparing the new situation 2 or 4 weeks later to your notes at the start may show clear gradual improvement that would else not be obvious.
- => Do change only one thing at a time. It’ll be more then difficult enough to determine if it helps let alone keeping track of the individual effects of multiple changes.
- => Do not let yourself tempted to improve faster by combining multiple changes that work well for many others. If you introduce 3 changes and 2 help and 1 makes things worse, the net effect may still be positive. But now you have to keep doing 3 things to only get the net benefit of 1 thing because you can’t separate their individual effects.
- That’s doing way more effort for less improvement in the long run. What’s worse, you’ve introduced a new vicious circle solidifying your disease in the long run. Don’t expect any meaningful improvement in the long run this way!
- => So my success is a LOT about improving my hit to failure ratio’s a bit and strongly improving hit to disaster ratio’s. Even doing so I did hit disaster once so far.
- => Don’t over-invest in effort or hope. As said, my hit to failure ratio improved but only from too low in order to get better to marginally sufficient yielding a slow improvement over the years. Being that ill was hell and extremely hard by itself. Learning to crawl out of it with so few known on even how to start it was and still is an epic journey. Yet, life quality now is way beyond what it was at its worse.
- The most overlooked one: INVEST MOST OF YOUR IMPROVEMENT IN BUILDING SOME RESERVES! Your current reserves are non-existing/negative. You desperately need them for better pacing and avoiding PEMs. When investing all improvement into doing more you basically sink your ratio of reserves to work done even further.
- I cannot imagine that to EVER end well in the long run. That ratio was very bad to start with and needs to increase in order to make a decent chance for long turn improvement. It may feel like holding back, but what you actually currently do is push true an insane amount of exhaustion and pain such as no healthy normal person ever does and that includes top athletes.
- Yes, you need to get more work done wright now. Yes people have been doing so much for supporting you up to now. No, spending most of your gained energy now is NOT going to help you nor those people supporting you in the long run. It’s an investment.
- If you did not find anything that worked you couldn’t spend any more energy anyway, so why waste a good chance by overdoing and breaking this one too?
- => Ideally save 80% of improvements in order to create some sort of buffer. I must admit I fail this one myself from time to time, but saving over half of it is the absolute minimum IMO.
- Currently, I am exceeding 25% of functionality and have a small buffer that is still too small for what I do but at least I have some buffer now. I estimate that I still use about 60% of my functional time to keep my current health level and to work towards more slow improvements.
- After creating a buffer and using my increased energy to maintain and improve my energy I still have limited “free usable” functionality. So for me there is no quick gain!
- I consider maintaining and improving health and sharing ideas and experiences on it my current part time but 24/7 job.