Migraine or not?


New Member
Hi all, my eyes are so sensitive to light and sometimes they get really painful when exposed to light in the night. I feel neck stiffness and pain sometimes and it makes the eye pain worse. The pain spreads behind my eyes to the back of my head. I feel nausea, but not vomiting.

One of my friends said me that might be the symptoms of a migraine, but I have never seen a flashlight or dots of light as migraine patients see. Will it be a migraine?

These difficulties started 1 week ago and I took ibuprofen whenever it pains. I have planned for my rhinoplasty the next week from Rhinoplasty centre, Toronto ( http://www.rhinoplasty.ca/ ) to make my nose a little smaller.

Should I change my surgery date? Will it create any side effects if my symptoms are of migraine?

Should I consult an ENT before my surgery? Any suggestions would be appreciated, Thank you.
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Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Hi @maxine@_yang221 Welcome. please put paragraphs breaks in this post. There is no way I can read past the first two lines. Many of us issues with huge blocks of text.

I do know many of us are photosensitive. To what extent I don't know. I live in a cave.

Is it a migraine? I don't think that's something we can diagnose on a forum

@Cort. Paragraphs please


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Hi all, my eyes are so sensitive to light and sometimes they get really painful when exposed to light in the night. I feel neck stiffness and pain sometimes and it makes the eye pain worse. The pain spreads behind my eyes to the back of my head. I feel nausea, but not vomiting.

One of my friends said me that might be the symptoms of a migraine, but I have never seen a flashlight or dots of light as migraine patients see. Will it be a migraine?

These difficulties started 1 week ago and I took ibuprofen whenever it pains. I have planned for my rhinoplasty the next week from Rhinoplasty centre, Toronto ( http://www.rhinoplasty.ca/ ) to make my nose a little smaller.

Should I change my surgery date? Will it create any side effects if my symptoms are of migraine?

Should I consult an ENT before my surgery? Any suggestions would be appreciated, Thank you.
There actually are ways for patients to self-diagnose a migraine. Check out several migraine screeners in our Pain - Diagnostics Resources section. Most people who have migraines are not diagnosed and you don't need to see flashes of light. You can have migraines without seeing lights or having an visual disturbances like that.


My guess is that you may meet the criteria for a migraine. If you do some migraine medications might be quite helpful for you.

I would make your doctor aware of your symptoms, for sure, given that they involve your head and you're about to undergo a procedure that affects your head. It sucks that they showed up right now but I would play it safe and let them know. These are pretty strong symptoms that should be checked out regardless.

You might want to check out suggestions for how to get through surgery safely with ME/CFS and FM in the Surgery section of the Resources section. (See the menu bar on the top of the Forums).

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I have a friend who takes beta blockers for her migraines. They are not classic migraines. I never had flashes of lights or auras.

It's easy enough to dx. No idea if it would affect your surgery.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Here's the super simple migraine screener: You definitely fit this one Maxine...

Approximately 12% of the population are believed to experience migraines. Most are not diagnosed

A simple self-administered test devised by neurologist, Dr. Richard Lipton, MD and a team of researchers at Albert Einstein University has been shown to be a very effective screening tool. It's used by physicians and dentists around the world as a tool to diagnose migraines. The three question ID Migraine screener can be taken at home but your results should be shared with a health care professional.

  1. Has Headache limited your activities for a day or more in the last three months?
    YES / NO
  2. Are you nauseated or sick to your stomach when you have a headache?
    YES / NO
  3. Does light bother you when you have a headache?
    YES / NO

An answer of "YES" to any 2 of the questions above suggests that your headache is a migraine.

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