It's not just ME/CFS and FM: every female dominated disease that doesn't kill you gets short shrift from the medical profession:
I think someone should read this book and do a blog on it. We would learn a lot
Sociologist Joanna Kempner has produced a fascinating book about migraine, women, health care, and bias. Kempner -- professor and affiliate of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research at Rutgers University -- has personal experience with migraine attacks, which started for her at 5 years old.
Since I was diagnosed last year with migraine and Meniere's disease, I've been working on a migraine-friendly diet plan and book. I was fascinated to find Kempner's book, which asks the pointed question: Does migraine treatment and research get slighted because it's primarily women who suffer?
More than 75 percent of migraine sufferers are female, and Kempner's premise is that this gender inequity makes an enormous difference in how migraine is studied and treated, as well as how migraine drugs are marketed. Her book traces the history of migraine, the perception of the "migraine personality" in literature, how treatment has evolved, and the attitudes expressed about patients in both the medical literature and recent best-selling books on migraine.
She tackles such meaty topics as how pharma companies play on women's guilt about failing at their family duties, how the recent shift to seeing migraine as a neurological spectrum disorder has legitimized both headache doctors and researchers, and the rise of the patient advocate.
I think someone should read this book and do a blog on it. We would learn a lot
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