My Main News Source is NPR (Meditation Reminder)


Well-Known Member
I got rid of TV and I learn so much on NPR, MORE than I would EVER on TV....and I've been a TV person all my life until a couple yrs ago and at almost 82 learning stuff I would have not gotten on TV....I believe.

Lately NPR has been mentioning the value of Meditation. And I know it's Possibly The Best Medicine for free and harmless, good Side Effects.

I lay down a lot with the OA and knee damage I deal with so remind myself to Meditate while I'm down. Get a good mantra and go with it.

Values are:

Getting Rid of Depression
Getting Energy

Every little bit can do us GOOD. Do more with the laying down time.


Active Member
I used to use Self Hypnosis a lot. I could go very quickly into a deep trance, in about 30 seconds. I could enter a reasonable trance while out walking because I had become so skilled in doing it. Then I stopped practising for a long time and now it is far more difficult for me to enter a trance. I can still get into trance but it takes quite some time.


Well-Known Member
And I know it's Possibly The Best Medicine for free and harmless, good Side Effects.

Actually in my experience, meditation isn't an one-size-fits-all thing. It can have potential negative emotional effects.

Just to clarify, I am not saying that meditation isn't good for a huge percentage of people. I only want to forewarn that it isn't always all good side effects for all people.

For a sub-set of people it actually causes more stress and unease instead of helping to take it away.


Well-Known Member
Well, I would NOT meditate on negative thoughts and/or I can't imagine it in a negative aspect. Why would anyone meditate on the negative? I must be missing something here.


Well-Known Member
Well, I would NOT meditate on negative thoughts and/or I can't imagine it in a negative aspect. Why would anyone meditate on the negative? I must be missing something here.

It isn't about mediating on the negative. I spend some time with a Buddhist monk when I was in my twenties and was having personal issues with meditation and he explained to me about the 'dark side' of meditation. That not all people will gain positive benefits from it.

For some people the act of meditation itself causes things like hallucinations, panic attacks and depersonalization.


Well-Known Member
It isn't about mediating on the negative. I spend some time with a Buddhist monk when I was in my twenties and was having personal issues with meditation and he explained to me about the 'dark side' of meditation. That not all people will gain positive benefits from it.

For some people the act of meditation itself causes things like hallucinations, panic attacks and depersonalization.

Oh, never working with a monk, I can only imagine good outcomes.


Active Member
Some people cannot be alone, they are dependent on other people's company. Their existence is measured by the quantity of people in their life. That can be a big problem for such people when they are doing meditation or self-hypnosis. My purpose of being is not having company, Lockdown is merely an inconvenience because of the unavailability of things such as product stock levels and deliveries which have all been very significantly affected.


Well-Known Member
Some people cannot be alone, they are dependent on other people's company. Their existence is measured by the quantity of people in their life. That can be a big problem for such people when they are doing meditation or self-hypnosis

I can totally see how that could be true for some people but I was referring to were along the same vein of such things as the hypervigilance of past trauma.


Well-Known Member
Oh, never working with a monk, I can only imagine good outcomes.

There are definitely a lot of good outcomes that a lot of people get from it. I would never downplay what an amazing difference that mediation makes in a lot of people's lives.


Well-Known Member
Some people cannot be alone, they are dependent on other people's company. Their existence is measured by the quantity of people in their life. That can be a big problem for such people when they are doing meditation or self-hypnosis. My purpose of being is not having company, Lockdown is merely an inconvenience because of the unavailability of things such as product stock levels and deliveries which have all been very significantly affected.

Perhaps this being comfortable with "being alone" comes later in life for many of us. I am very comfortable being alone NOW and almost happy when some company leaves..but in my early life of doing and going I had lots of people in my life and I found out about TM back in the 70's but was NOT ready for it then. As the years went on I learned more about meditation and .joined meditation groups over the years too. Now I am very comfortable with silent meditation and using a mantra for clearing my mind.

Now my mom who said the rosary, which I now see as a form of meditation, almost daily, spent a lot of her life alone.


Active Member
Perhaps this being comfortable with "being alone" comes later in life for many of us. I am very comfortable being alone NOW and almost happy when some company leaves..but in my early life of doing and going I had lots of people in my life and I found out about TM back in the 70's but was NOT ready for it then. As the years went on I learned more about meditation and .joined meditation groups over the years too. Now I am very comfortable with silent meditation and using a mantra for clearing my mind.

Now my mom who said the rosary, which I now see as a form of meditation, almost daily, spent a lot of her life alone.
I started using self-hypnosis when I was in my very early twenties! I do not think it is about age, certainly not with me. Company has never been important to me but for many it is essential, which is why they have such problems with this pandemic and social isolation. For me the pandemic has created a lot of difficulties but none of which are anything to do with company.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is unique, there are extroverts and introverts, I am an extrovert....And I've lived in a very high energy city for the last 54 yrs. lots of factors...and I'm not having trouble isolating as I had to stop doing a lot for 10 yrs or so due to knee damage.


New Member
It should not happen that meditation has a bad effect on someone, if you do meditation under someone's guidance, then you will definitely get benefit from meditation.


Active Member
It isn't about mediating on the negative. I spend some time with a Buddhist monk when I was in my twenties and was having personal issues with meditation and he explained to me about the 'dark side' of meditation. That not all people will gain positive benefits from it.

For some people the act of meditation itself causes things like hallucinations, panic attacks and depersonalization.

Actually too meditated for 2 years with monks in a Burmese forest monastery 20 years ago. The part of it with hallucinations, panic and depersonalization turned out actually very beneficial to me. Like a really good and deep going psychotherapy. And I don't think anyone could go much further with this process of selfexploration, than by first to a certain extent also facing one's own abysses and psychological shadow of one's personality.

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