new easier way to measure blood pressure


Well-Known Member
not on the market yet, but looks promising!

Having your blood pressure taken by a cuff that inflates and deflates around your upper arm is reliable, but it’s not very fast or portable, and it isn’t able to give you continuous measurements over time.

A startup called Blumio is trying a different tactic. It’s building blood-pressure measuring technology that uses radar—typically employed for things like tracking ships or speeding cars by monitoring the phase changes in electromagnetic waves as they reflect off of them—to make it easier and faster to measure blood pressure continuously without needing to squeeze your arm.


San Diego

Well-Known Member
Wouldn’t it be fabulous to see 24 hour data on “normals” vs ME/CFS or dysautonomia?

Yet more testing that my neurologist could claim is “normal" or “just doesn’t happen” lol - always easiest to blame the patient or machine malfunction. :D


Well-Known Member
Wouldn’t it be fabulous to see 24 hour data on “normals” vs ME/CFS or dysautonomia?
yes! blood pressure measuring in the doctor's office is notoriously unreliable. if there were more 24h data I'm sure we'd find out new things, like abnormal fluctuations. I think there's a study that's going to do just that - measure patients 'everything under the sun' for 24h. is it the NIH one?

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
My BP at my last appt was 175 over something. That was after traveling and sitting an hour before I was seen. Try to explain to a doc how that messes us up.

I just washed my dishes sitting down and I'm sweating like I just ran a marathon. Forget to check my HR.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
This is something that really should be done and I don't know why it can't be done...I know the Open Medicine Institute has plans to collect scads of patient data using devices like this. I just don't think it has gotten going.
Wouldn’t it be fabulous to see 24 hour data on “normals” vs ME/CFS or dysautonomia?

Yet more testing that my neurologist could claim is “normal" or “just doesn’t happen” lol - always easiest to blame the patient or machine malfunction. :D

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