New protocol for Sibo from Dr. Kaufman (Damn it's complicated)


Well-Known Member
Just got off my appt with Dr. Kaufman. Last time we spoke the protocol was just Rifaximin and Vancomycin for 15-30 days. Now it seems there's a lot going on. Anyone had any experience with all that?

InterFase Plus, Xifaxan (Rifaximin), Lovastatin, SBI Protect (an oral gammaglobulin product) and Glutashield (a product to help heal the leaky gut).

Take two pills of InterFase PLUS once a day for 2 days and then increase to two twice a day between meals for 10 days. Then begin the Xifaxan (Rifaximin), Lovastatin, SBI and Glutashield. The Xifaxan is for two weeks and the Lovastatin is for two MONTHS. Stay on the Interfase Plus the entire time. The enzymes should be taken in between meals. The SBI and Glutashield should be taken for at least 3 months.

Biofilm therapy with InterFase
Produced by Klaire Labs InterFase is a combination of enzymes that disrupts the biofilm matrix and encourages healthy intestinal microbial communities. Biofilm consists of microorganisms encased within a self-produced matrix of polysaccharides and proteins that strongly adheres to the bacteria or fungi. Microorganisms residing within biofilms are highly resistant to antimicrobials including antibiotics and natural antibacterial therapy produced by probiotics. InterFase is a unique enzyme formulation that is especially designed to disrupt the biofilm matrix that embeds gastrointestinal organisms. Enzymes in InterFase are selected for their ability to lyse the extracellular polymers commonly found in biofilm as well as degrade bacterial and yeast cell wall structures. This treatment is intended for use in conjunction with efforts to support normal gastrointestinal function and microbiota. The capsules should be taken away from meals to maximize the enzyme effects.


Active Member
Just got off my appt with Dr. Kaufman. Last time we spoke the protocol was just Rifaximin and Vancomycin for 15-30 days. Now it seems there's a lot going on. Anyone had any experience with all that?

InterFase Plus, Xifaxan (Rifaximin), Lovastatin, SBI Protect (an oral gammaglobulin product) and Glutashield (a product to help heal the leaky gut).

That product, Glutashield will not make any difference to your Increased Digestive Permeability, it is a waste of money IMO. These people including that Doctor do not understand what causes IDP or they would not be promoting this stuff. Also although Interfase+ is very good, I actually prefer Interfase which contains more enzymes because space is not wasted on EDTA. It is more expensive. I prefer to take a couple of separate capsules of EDTA to have more metal binding ability.

This will not in itself remove a biofilm because bacteria can re-enforce a biofilm faster than enzymes can break it down. Quorum Sensing Inhibitors are needed to be taken with it to block their communication signalling to re-enforce the biofilm so that the enzymes can take effect. I have a lot of experience of doing this and have successfully eliminated the biofilms which actually cause my CFS. However I have only managed to destroy part, 2/3rds of the micro-organisms inside one of the biofilms. They fell to Reduced Silver with the biofilm intact, they are now resistant to silver because the biofilm was not removed which would of prevented them from retaining and using failed DNA to adapt. I suggest that you re-read that last line many times until you take it in and fully understand the consequences! You would know if you successfully fully removed the biofilm(s) because it can be very uncomfortable/painful.

I am currently experimenting with procedures to improve this. A couple of nights back I vortex mixed some German Chamomile essential oil which is very dark blue, almost black in colour so that it could more easily be seen, with DMSO as a dispersing solvent. This worked extremely well to keep the oil in suspension and preventing it from coalescing so that it works over a larger area. I also diluted it with distilled water to see what effect that would have. It did remain in suspension but turned a very pale cloudy blue. I now need to reduce the DMSO content to see how low I can get it while still remaining mixed.

I am as yet undecided on whether to use DMSO or liposomes, liposomes would be safer but they can affect the effectiveness of essential oils when the phosphatidylcholine content gets over a low level. DMSO itself can affect some essential oils making them less effective, in particular Cinnamon eo, reducing it's antimicrobial effects. DMSO can also be toxic to cells the more that is used. You have people on curezone saying they drink the stuff like they drink a beverage which does not suggest that they know how damaging it can be.

Antimicrobial action of essential oils: the effect of dimethylsulphoxide on the activity of cinnamon oil

Take two pills of InterFase PLUS once a day for 2 days and then increase to two twice a day between meals for 10 days. Then begin the Xifaxan (Rifaximin), Lovastatin, SBI and Glutashield. The Xifaxan is for two weeks and the Lovastatin is for two MONTHS. Stay on the Interfase Plus the entire time. The enzymes should be taken in between meals. The SBI and Glutashield should be taken for at least 3 months.

Biofilm therapy with InterFase
Produced by Klaire Labs InterFase is a combination of enzymes that disrupts the biofilm matrix and encourages healthy intestinal microbial communities. Biofilm consists of microorganisms encased within a self-produced matrix of polysaccharides and proteins that strongly adheres to the bacteria or fungi. Microorganisms residing within biofilms are highly resistant to antimicrobials including antibiotics and natural antibacterial therapy produced by probiotics. InterFase is a unique enzyme formulation that is especially designed to disrupt the biofilm matrix that embeds gastrointestinal organisms. Enzymes in InterFase are selected for their ability to lyse the extracellular polymers commonly found in biofilm as well as degrade bacterial and yeast cell wall structures. This treatment is intended for use in conjunction with efforts to support normal gastrointestinal function and microbiota. The capsules should be taken away from meals to maximize the enzyme effects.
Best of luck with that. You might get lucky or you might not. It could promote resistance to the antibiotics if the biofilm is not totally removed. That will really dig you into a hole that you might not get out of ie in future, when everyone else realises the cause, antibiotics might no longer be effective against the micro-organism responsible which can vary widely.

I am holding fire until I have worked out a comprehensive Efflux Pump Inhibitor strategy to ensure that when I make another attempt, they are 100% destroyed all in one go so that none of them can develop resistance.

That is why I am spending so much time getting the Quorum Sensing Inhibitors correct because all the biofilms must be totally eliminated in order to prevent them developing resistance to the antimicrobial herbs that I have. The TCM herbs are effective against most forms of micro-organism including bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses not that I think that viruses are of any significance.

People on these forums mess around not knowing what they are doing. They think that they are taking positive action by taking various antimicrobials when they are only promoting further resistance which will make it harder to destroy the cause of their CFS.

I am not convinced that he knows what he is doing, in fact what he recommends makes me certain of that. What if these antibiotics promote the growth of yeasts and fungi which they often do? You could go from SIBO to alternative problems while just making everything more resistant.

The cause of SIBO is almost always hypochlorhydria ie lack of stomach acid production which prevents micro-organisms from being destroyed by stomach acid. It is that which you should be addressing IMO, otherwise once the antibiotics are finished the same thing will happen again. However you will be in an even deeper hole because none of those antibiotics will work against the cause of your CFS because they would of adapted rendering those antibiotics useless. The cause might not be bacterial, it could just as easily be yeast or fungi, possible but less likely.

There is a very small window when a biofilm has been removed in which to attack the micro-organisms causing the infection. Few people are aware of this or the implications of failing to take these things into account.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you'll have to educate me a lot more (if you have the time of course)

I've been to more than 400 Drs. and Dr. Kaufman is the only one I trust. He's dedicating his life to that. I get some of your concerns and others not.
I feel like fungi might be my culprit. But Dr. Kaufman gave me this protocol as a second try. He first want to examine the cd117 mast cells how many mast cells per high power field in a gut biopsy, as he thinks mast cell is the real problem with me.

I don't, I still think I have sibo, but I also think I have candida (in fact I have had recurrent candida in the past which is rare for male, both in tongue, genitals and maybe anus).

But low stomach acid certainly is not my problem, I've been taking pantozol for 3 months otherwise i can't eat. I took of antiacids (now not so much as I got a little better) and they were the only thing that helped.

I understand your overwhelming reaction but I'm pretty sure Dr. Kaufman doens't want (and probably doesn't get anything) by pushing products. He's always "you should try gastrocom, but unfortunatelly is way way to expansive, maybe in Brazil you can get it cheaper" (I'm from Brazil)

I took rifaximin twice, first time with neomycin to no results and second time with vancomycin with AMAZING results (perhaps 100% digestion improvement) but as soon as I stopped everyhing came back.

My problem is I held on as much as possible, I didn't want to take the abx last time he precribed it to me a year ago, when I was with all the problems but really stable working out, eating well...
I just got to a point where after I eat I have to sleep 3-4 hours. If I don't take Pantozol (or similar) I have a lot of pain.

So I really need to do something. I'll gete tested for CD117 and Sibo. Not aware of any candida reliable test so don't even know how to aproach it. Plus I eas eating zero sugar mostly carnivore (or keto) diet, until I found candida also thrives on fat. And somehow fat is the worst enemy of my gut now.... 4 months ago I was eating 75% of calories from fat with no problem, something changed and I don't know what.


I have a lot of experience of doing this and have successfully eliminated the biofilms which actually cause my CFS
I appreciate your text on biofilms - many people should read that. In fact you could copy paste it on any thread discussing antibiotics against CFS.... :)

May I ask you a couple of things?
- How do you know you eliminated your biofilms? And how did you find out you had biofilms in the first place? (I am particularly interested in tests which go beyond "I get herx upon nattokinase etc")
- Where were your biofilms? (in the gut? or in the body? or on medical implants?


I am looking for any forum where more people discuss QSI against biofilms, in particular cinnamon oil / cinnamaldehyde (I think that's the only natural / harmless QSI for multispecies biofilms)
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Hi @Carl#1 in case there is no thread on biofilms on no forum you know, please just be so kind drop me a line that it is so. I have collected quite some research durin the last years, had fancy cytokine tests from which biofilms can be inferred, and now I am starting my first tries with quorum sensing inhibitors and poised to share with others and learn their thoughts and experiences. Very unfortunately however, healthrising and phoenixrising do not seem the right places for this. And being a researcher, I am a bit bored by several of my new threads ending up with me consulting literally hundreds of newbies. Which I do not mind, but I would really love to get a tiny bit back occassionally....


Well-Known Member
How did this protocol work out for you?
I didn't do it.
I fortunatelly got a lot better. With so much ups and downs I can't even recall exactly what did for me this time.

But I think taking Betaine and Pepsin before eating was crucial. I also ate a lot less for some period.
I did take some abx after that and it helped, but still that cycle. Things get better and than things get worse and better again and so it goes.

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