Event NH’s 1st screening of “UNREST"


Anyone going to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH 10/16/18 @ 3:30pm for “Unrest” screening and panel ? Free for healthcare professionals, scientists and the public.

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
and the Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Assoc.

Invite you to attend
Movie and Expert Panel Q&A
Tues, October 16, 2018. 4 pm (doors open 3:30 for refreshments)
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Auditorium E
1 Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, New Hampshire, 03756
This free event is for healthcare professionals, scientists and the public.

Pre-register, or just show up!

Award-winning documentary about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a complex and misunderstood disease disabling 1-2.5 million Americans. Followed by a panel discussion.

  • Opening Remarks: Roshini Pinto-Powell, MD, Assoc. Dean of Students and Admissions, Co-director of On Doctoring, Geriatrics, and Ambulatory Medicine, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.
  • Panel Moderator: Paul Guyre, PhD, Prof. of Microbiology-Immunology at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. His lab is researching innate immune function in ME/CFS and is also working with Dr. Maureen Hanson at Cornell Univ.
  • Panelists: David Systrom, MD, ME/CFS researcher, Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston; Darren Lynch, MD, Northampton Integrative Medicine, 10+ yrs. experience treating ME/CFS patients; Mary Dimmock, National ME advocate, author, and retired pharmaceutical industry professional; Robyn Jacobs, MD, Functional Medicine Specialist at Hygeia, treating ME/CFS.



No, I was just hoping to get the word out. Would have loved to go myself but not well enough to travel that far and for that long.
I hope it was well-attended.

Just read an exciting email from #MEAction.net this is just part of it:
"Let's mobilize medical providers across the country to watch Unrest for credit!

We are so thrilled to announce that US healthcare providers – including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, therapists and social workers – can now watch Unrest and receive continuing education credits through the American Medical Women’s Association and Indiana University School of Medicine, in partnership with #MEAction.

Healthcare providers can attend a live, continuing education event screening of Unrest – at a theater, hospital, university, clinic or community center - or register to watch Unrest online; watch a 10-minute video on the diagnosis & management of ME by Dr. David Kaufman; take a short test; and receive 2.0 American Medical Association PRA Category 1 Credits™.

We are so excited to offer this new way to use Unrest as a tool to educate even more doctors and healthcare providers, and continue to raise awareness about the realities of ME. Read about our plans to disseminate this new education module and learn about how you can help us get the word out!

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