NIH Telebriefing Wed Feb 1 3pm EST (2 RFA's are NOW HERE!!)


Thanks to Jennie Spotila for posting her weekly "RFA Ticker" on her OccupyME website. Big news this week as the 2 RFA's for ME are now, at long last, here!! :)

Today, she mentions that there will be an NIH Telebriefing on Wednesday, February 1st @ 3pm EST.

If you are interested in joining the call, you can email: saying that you are sending your RSVP -- and -- provide the country you will be calling from. They will then email you back with a call-in tel# and a passcode. (I spoke to them today and they would prefer that the country-specific call-in #'s NOT be posted publicly. Also, the Canadian tel# they provided to me is a toll-free #).

You can also just click on the "Contacts" link on the left panel on the NIH link.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Thanks so much for mentioning this. I almost missed it!
Thanks to Jennie Spotila for posting her weekly "RFA Ticker" on her OccupyME website. Big news this week as the 2 RFA's for ME are now, at long last, here!! :)

Today, she mentions that there will be an NIH Telebriefing on Wednesday, February 1st @ 3pm EST.

If you are interested in joining the call, you can email: saying that you are sending your RSVP -- and -- provide the country you will be calling from. They will they email you back with a call-in tel# and a passcode. (I spoke to them today and they would prefer that the country-specific call-in #'s NOT be posted publicly. Also, the Canadian tel# they provided to me is a toll-free #).

You can also just click on the "Contacts" link on the left panel on the NIH link.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Thanks to Jennie Spotila for posting her weekly "RFA Ticker" on her OccupyME website. Big news this week as the 2 RFA's for ME are now, at long last, here!! :)

Today, she mentions that there will be an NIH Telebriefing on Wednesday, February 1st @ 3pm EST.

If you are interested in joining the call, you can email: saying that you are sending your RSVP -- and -- provide the country you will be calling from. They will then email you back with a call-in tel# and a passcode. (I spoke to them today and they would prefer that the country-specific call-in #'s NOT be posted publicly. Also, the Canadian tel# they provided to me is a toll-free #).

You can also just click on the "Contacts" link on the left panel on the NIH link.
I have not received any call-in information from them. If anyone has one for the US please provide it.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Got it for the US

Thank you for your email. The Trans-NIH ME/CFS Working Group is holding a telebriefing today, February 1, from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Here is the information you need to call in at that time:

Dial-in: 888-989-3480
Participant passcode: 5130891

We hope this information is helpful.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Got it for the US

Thank you for your email. The Trans-NIH ME/CFS Working Group is holding a telebriefing today, February 1, from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Here is the information you need to call in at that time:

Dial-in: 888-989-3480
Participant passcode: 5130891

We hope this information is helpful.

Tweets from the talk are here -

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