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Well-Known Member
Happy holidays! I am a 30+ year PWC, having contracted CFS after a week’s vacation in the Lake Tahoe area in 1985. I have never seen a specialist as I am not aware of such in the Atlanta area. As I tend to be
a DIYer I thought I’d share a source which I use and is readily available world wide.

It’s YouTube, which is not so obvious as an authoritative source of information for getting medical and research information on MECFS. It can be especially helpful in areas where there are no specialists
who understand our illness. There are videos covering almost any area of concern, from diagnosing symptoms to current treatment and research. Simply search the area of interest to you and you’ll likely find a video. There’s a no cost access with ads or membership with a paid subscription.

After relunctantly amassing research over the years I find the videos a welcome source for getting current information as well as referencing specific topics to friends and family or medical providers. It sure beats working up an annotated paper for new providers or people who want to understand our illness. 😊
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Well-Known Member
I'm on Youtube a lot, and I never thought of this. Great tip! I've just had great luck over there getting information about resetting my circadian rhythm and time restricted eating. My insomnia is out of control; maybe these will help.


Well-Known Member
I'm on Youtube a lot, and I never thought of this. Great tip! I've just had great luck over there getting information about resetting my circadian rhythm and time restricted eating. My insomnia is out of control; maybe these will help.
I stumbled on the MECFS videos serendipitously while using a support forum on benzo withdrawal! Some of the ideas in the videos have been really helpful. The long and short of it all is that I concluded I had to learn to sleep all over again! It’s been ~a 2 year struggle but it’s working. I hope you find a unique way to
resolve that very serious condition. Some quality sleep is a must and the effort is worth it.
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