No flu vaccine for me


Well-Known Member
I have NOT taken the flu "shot" for about 30 years. I keep my immune system strong, thanks to grape seed extract and my other supplements. I'm in the minority in many health areas but wonder about this group.

Anyone else think as I do about taking care of their health.

Oh during flu season, I keep Oscillo on hand just in case. It has worked everytime when I feel something may come on.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I didn't start taking the flu shot until I had blood clots in my lungs (mPE) around 2005. I thought the pneumonia shot did more for me than the other ones. I got boosters for everything around 2009, by 2011 I was unable to work from ME/CFS, but the fatigue syndrome wasn't diagnosed until last year. The last flu shot I got was in 2014 and I will resist getting it from now on. I think I may be willing to get the pneumonia shot again, but I feel like I'm playing roulette with the contamination of vaccines. I can't know that this one is safe, so I avoid them.

I follow this advice when it comes to illness... and drastically increase Vitamin C intake:

Dr. Humphries was labeled a "rogue" doctor when she started reporting that her heart patients had a drop in kidney function after every flu shot, and she tried to have the practice of giving a flu shot to hospital heart patients stopped. Like many doctors who get tarred with the "anti-vaxxer" brush, she doesn't think they're always bad, she thinks they need better quality controls and more proof of efficacy, plus honesty in side effects labeling. That gets lost in the shouting.

Stay well! :)


Well-Known Member
I get a flu shot every year since I started seeing ME/CFS specialists. Before that I didn't know it wasn't normal to have the flu 3-4 times every year. :facepalm: I have always had immune dysfunction with ME/CFS and supplements didn't begin to be enough to prevent me catching every blessed thing that went around. And yes, I tried most of them under the supervision of my doctor. They helped some, but it was a drop in the bucket.

My most recent specialist recommends the killed virus vaccine (of course) without preservatives. I feel the risk of that is minute compared to getting the flu. Get bronchitis and pneumonia every year and you'd probably agree with me. :)

Every one of the three ME/CFS specialists I've seen over the years has said something along the same lines. It's about balancing risks. Preservative-free killed vaccines are very low risk compared to getting the virus and should be utilized by ME/CFS patients (in general). In the ordinary way, getting live virus vaccines is riskier for us than not getting them. We have to rely on herd immunity. The exception is if there's an outbreak and you're almost certain to get the virus. Then the vaccine is less risky because at least then you'll get a milder case.


Well-Known Member
My health has improved 1000% since being on grape seed extract since 1995,,, no vaccines, no so called pharma testings like mamms etc etc. I'm 79 and was 57 when grape seed ex came into my life.

I was a slave to allergy sinus drugs and allergist MD and NEVER NEVER getting better....and lived with sore throats...NO MORE...

There are 100 of info links and books on this kinda miracle antioxidant.

I too take 2K Vit C daily but the grape seed ex is invaluable. J


Well-Known Member
My health has improved 1000% since being on grape seed extract since 1995,,, no vaccines, no so called pharma testings like mamms etc etc. I'm 79 and was 57 when grape seed ex came into my life.

I was a slave to allergy sinus drugs and allergist MD and NEVER NEVER getting better....and lived with sore throats...NO MORE...

There are 100 of info links and books on this kinda miracle antioxidant.

I too take 2K Vit C daily but the grape seed ex is invaluable. J
Congratulations! It isn't often we find anything that successful for us. :)

I tried grape seed extract for a long time with no success whatsoever, but that's how it works with ME/CFS. What works for some of us doesn't work for others. It can be very frustrating. I take 2K Vit C also, but it doesn't help me much with immune issues. It's a great anti-oxidant, though, so my specialist always has it on my recommended supplements list.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I have a good friend with ME/CFS and she takes grape seed ex (I think) and she said it doesn't do much if anything. Maybe it's doing something subtle. I got rid of lifelong allergy/sinus issues for me. And so much info that it MAY prevent cancer(s)....I'm banking on far OK at 79...and eyesight is good and gums are in good health. J


Well-Known Member
I didn't start taking the flu shot until I had blood clots in my lungs (mPE) around 2005. I thought the pneumonia shot did more for me than the other ones. I got boosters for everything around 2009, by 2011 I was unable to work from ME/CFS, but the fatigue syndrome wasn't diagnosed until last year. The last flu shot I got was in 2014 and I will resist getting it from now on. I think I may be willing to get the pneumonia shot again, but I feel like I'm playing roulette with the contamination of vaccines. I can't know that this one is safe, so I avoid them.

I follow this advice when it comes to illness... and drastically increase Vitamin C intake:

Dr. Humphries was labeled a "rogue" doctor when she started reporting that her heart patients had a drop in kidney function after every flu shot, and she tried to have the practice of giving a flu shot to hospital heart patients stopped. Like many doctors who get tarred with the "anti-vaxxer" brush, she doesn't think they're always bad, she thinks they need better quality controls and more proof of efficacy, plus honesty in side effects labeling. That gets lost in the shouting.

Stay well! :)
@Not Dead Yet
Oh, yeah, love Dr. Humphries! She has given up so much to do what she does now. Very intelligent woman and an asset to the field of medicine.

I was told I have an ALLERGY to vaccines and must never take one again. My children all had reactions, too. Don't know what we will do if they mandate. Let's not go there!

Last flu shot I got was 1979 and I have had a mast cell disease from it ever since. This disease happened within 12 hours of the vaccine. I also got a version of Smallpox from my Smallpox vaccine.

Dr. Lapp has some info and recommendations about the flu shot on his site. I will look it up and post it later.

VaXxed TV on YouTube is very informative.


Well-Known Member
Farmgirl, no flu vaccine here for about 30 yrs. Grape Seed Ex keeps my immune system healthy.

Keep Oscillo handy during flu season just in case.


Well-Known Member
Farmgirl, no flu vaccine here for about 30 yrs. Grape Seed Ex keeps my immune system healthy.

Keep Oscillo handy during flu season just in case.
Please do tell me the brand you use if grape seed extract. Is it Oregon grape seed? Thanks about the oscillio. They carry it at Walmart now. :).


Well-Known Member
Some one here said grape seed ex didn't seem to help them as they deal with ME/CFS. I don't but was told I have FM and decades of arthritis (OA).

I've used many many brands of grape seed ex. I buy pipingrock brand sometimes. You'll find their website.

I like Olympian Labs which I buy mostly from iherb.

I take mostly 200mg daily and many days 200mg two times.

Get yourself started with 100mg caps and work with dosing for your body.

I even used swansons brand for many years in the beginning of my travels with grape seed ex.

I don't know where most grapes come from but I know MOST grapes we buy now in markets contain no seeds, they are used a LOT in producing grape SEED extract.

Some have said stomach upset, never for me.

If one takes a pharma blood thinner then can't take both. If need be talk to pharmacist if one takes pharma drugs.

The main reason I got on grape seed ex 22 yrs ago, we were told at a lecture It May Prevent Cancer(s).

First thing to go for me were a lifetime of allergy issues.

I have a great website that is very thorough on what grape seed ex is about and what it's used for and I'll post it. Gotta find it.

Here it is, and I've never used their product but like their presentation and overview.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I get a flu shot every year since I started seeing ME/CFS specialists. Before that I didn't know it wasn't normal to have the flu 3-4 times every year. :facepalm: I have always had immune dysfunction with ME/CFS and supplements didn't begin to be enough to prevent me catching every blessed thing that went around. And yes, I tried most of them under the supervision of my doctor. They helped some, but it was a drop in the bucket.

My most recent specialist recommends the killed virus vaccine (of course) without preservatives. I feel the risk of that is minute compared to getting the flu. Get bronchitis and pneumonia every year and you'd probably agree with me. :)

Every one of the three ME/CFS specialists I've seen over the years has said something along the same lines. It's about balancing risks. Preservative-free killed vaccines are very low risk compared to getting the virus and should be utilized by ME/CFS patients (in general). In the ordinary way, getting live virus vaccines is riskier for us than not getting them. We have to rely on herd immunity. The exception is if there's an outbreak and you're almost certain to get the virus. Then the vaccine is less risky because at least then you'll get a milder case.

For the past 20 years, I've had one bad cold every year, with longer and longer "lingering time" afterward. You know, that time that everyone just feels sorry for you, but does nothing? Whether I got a flu shor or not, this pattern held. After the pneumonia shot, the lingering stopped and I thought that was spectacular. Since 2009 or so, I've had to be on antibiotics for serious colds 3-8 times every year! I don't get flu shots anymore. It made the colds worse. I'd be willing to do the pneumonia one again, or if they come up with other ones for pathogenic (dead) bacteria, but no more antiviral ones.

The only way I'd do the antiviral ones again is if they were transparent about mistakes made, and took good faith measures to improve them. I don't believe that's happening now. But I can't predict the future either.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your constant colds. I can say when I got my mom on grape seed ex over 20 yrs ago she did not get any more colds or the forever cold sores she got all her life.

Grape Seed Ex did it and I have not had a cold in over 20 yrs....

Immune system.

If only grape seed ex took arthritis out of this older body..


Well-Known Member
I'm 79 and had the Asian flu when I was 17 and remember that horrible flu and none since. Maybe a slight one over the years and keep that Oscillo handy. For just in case I feel something might come on. It zaps it for me all the time.

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