Cites Rituximab study as reason for study
Notes that fatigue is most disabling aspect of multiple sclerosis. Had seen ME/CFS patients before.
Infection triggers immune mediated brain dysfunction.
Get a history - Gives them a decent understanding of the kinds of symptoms patients are experiencing
Then look at the brain =structure of the brain, functional - oxygen uptake and blood flow during tasks
Will put patient in metabolic chamber - quite unique - metabolism, kidney etc over night
Trans cranial magnetic stimulation - stimulate different parts of the brain and see if impulses travelling through the brain are - have world class experts - many of whom have developed this technology at the center
Autonomic nervous system functioning - more world class experts
Notes that fatigue is most disabling aspect of multiple sclerosis. Had seen ME/CFS patients before.
Infection triggers immune mediated brain dysfunction.
- Phase I - Deep phenotyping - intramural program best at studying small sample sizes extensively...
- Phase II - First identify biomarkers and then study them over longer period of time
- Phase III study will target interventions for biomarkers that make it out of phase II
Get a history - Gives them a decent understanding of the kinds of symptoms patients are experiencing
Then look at the brain =structure of the brain, functional - oxygen uptake and blood flow during tasks
Will put patient in metabolic chamber - quite unique - metabolism, kidney etc over night
Trans cranial magnetic stimulation - stimulate different parts of the brain and see if impulses travelling through the brain are - have world class experts - many of whom have developed this technology at the center
Autonomic nervous system functioning - more world class experts