Oura Ring


Active Member
After I read Cort's experience I researched Oura. I felt it was pricey but after realizing hey - I certainly am not spending any money on this debilitating disease for meds or treatment - I am getting the ring. I have no trouble wearing it 24/7. I have had it for one week and only take it off to charge when the app tells me to charge. Less than one hour. I have found it to be very helpful. I think sleep plays a bigger factor than I ever realized. It tracks all phases of sleep. I am low on rem's. When it was really low last night I have had the most horrible day today. Can barely stand without assistance and my digestive system has gone beserk. It monitors heart rate and recovery and actually gives you a readiness score. Or tells you based on all data to take it easy today. Someone in another post had mentioned their training. I ask what training? I wish I cold. We have had several gorgeous sunny days and when feeling better than today I have pushed and worked outside for a couple hours daily. But I pay dearly. Pain and not in overused muscles. Sickening pain.
I highly recommend the ring for help managing and pacing.
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What other rings are available in the market and how does it differ to Oura? I'm not sure if I've gone thru that thread. Anyway, I 'm happy that it works great with you.


Active Member
What other rings are available in the market and how does it differ to Oura? I'm not sure if I've gone thru that thread. Anyway, I 'm happy that it works great with you.
I do not know what else is out there I trusted the observations of Cort and the Oura. I have a Samsung watch, which is good also. But it doesn't track phases of sleep which are very important. Samsung does not track temperature, either. I find that vital. It cost $300, which to me was expensive - but considering, as I stated, I am left to my own devices with this disease - no $$ going out to meds or treatments. Just turned loose to my own devices. Managing and pacing, which I frankly, am not good at. Oura is a very helpful tool for me.

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