Oxymatrine info blog

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
On the 29th of October 2009 I began taking oxymatrine tablets. My preferred brand of oxymatrine was Equilibrant which also contains various immune modulators. Doctor Chia began producing the Equilibrant form of oxymatrine after becoming concerned with the purity of some of the other brands. I was unable to acquire the Equilibrant brand hence I ordered the White Tiger brand. Con't



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
On the 29th of October 2009 I began taking oxymatrine tablets. My preferred brand of oxymatrine was Equilibrant which also contains various immune modulators. Doctor Chia began producing the Equilibrant form of oxymatrine after becoming concerned with the purity of some of the other brands. I was unable to acquire the Equilibrant brand hence I ordered the White Tiger brand. Con't

It seems to work for some people and not others. I have never tried it.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I have some white tiger and was working up to the full dose. I think I was having lots of problems and stopped everything and never got back to it.

Someone gave me some Equilibrant to try. I'm not sure since it has OLE which has been a problem for me. I have not tried it yet since I've been dealing with other stuff.

i also have some inosine. When I took 500 mgs/ day every day it kicked my ass.

@Seven takes Equilbrant and I think inosine. I think @Strike me lucky is taking inosine.


Well-Known Member
@Seven takes Equilbrant and I think inosine. I think @Strike me lucky is taking inosine.
I had great results for coaxsaxie ( labs confirmed) I have to watch for low BP. I am adding inosine cannot say anything until I get labs in June. I am using both toguether now Imunovir plus inosine. I cannot tolerate full dose of Imunovir, I get too acidic so I am trying a mix. Low Nk cells for a few years.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I had great results for coaxsaxie ( labs confirmed) I have to watch for low BP. I am adding inosine cannot say anything until I get labs in June. I am using both toguether now Imunovir plus inosine. I cannot tolerate full dose of Imunovir, I get too acidic so I am trying a mix. Low Nk cells for a few years.

So you're coaxsackie when down after treating with immunovir? Good news!


Well-Known Member
I had great results with Equilibrant for Coxsackii (lab confirmed) also. IIRC the labs were PCR tests. Positive for Coxsackii on the first test, negative on the second test after three months of Equilibrant. My Coxsackii levels were not sky high, just high. More severe infections may not respond as easily to Equilibrant.

I took a relatively small dose of Equilibrant -- no more than 2 pills per day, I think. That may have helped me avoid the side effects some people have. I stayed on the Equilibrant for another 6 months or so to make sure we had well and truly knocked down the Coxsackii. We do this because I typically relapse as soon as I go off an anti-pathogen med (abx, AVs) if we use a more typical length of treatment.

A serendipitous discovery was that Equilibrant eliminated my chronic URI-type symptoms -- sore throat, coughing, wheezing, rough voice, congested ears and nose -- you know the sort of thing. For years, I spent 9months of the year looking, feeling, and sounding like I had a cold. My GPs ran basic tests and found nothing. All that cleared up (the symptoms, not the GPs' incompetence) with Equilibrant.

I didn't realize at first that it might have been the Equilibrant that helped. I just didn't get the symptoms around Sep like a usually do. Then I went off the Equilibrant thinking I was done. Whoa, all the URI stuff is back. So I went back on Equilibrant. The symptoms went away. I actually tested like this two more times in the next 18 months with the same results. For the moment, I'm concluding the Equilibrant is the reason my URI-type symptoms are gone. Now I take one or two pills daily for most of the year.

Before anyone starts tossing "Placebo!" around (oh wait, that individual is not posting here), I had absolutely no thought of the Equilibrant effecting those symptoms. I didn't even think of the Equilibrant when the symptoms first went away. I was looking everywhere else for the reason. I tested it multiple times with the same results. That's not a large, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, but it's good enough for me to make a decision for myself.

Equilibrant is not too expensive if you only take one or two pills per day.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I think @Seven only takes a tiny amount. Or one tab every other day. Someone else takes like 1/4 tab.

I have so much in my "to try" pile.


I have some unexpired equilibrant that I am willing to give someone if she pays the shipping. I was a nonresponder but took it for years anyway. Finally stopped


Well-Known Member
I have some unexpired equilibrant that I am willing to give someone if she pays the shipping. I was a nonresponder but took it for years anyway. Finally stopped
I'll give it some thought. I could really use it, but I can't figure out how to pay for the shipping without compromising my identity. :cool:;)

How much have you got?


Well-Known Member
I am basically on permanent equilibrant because when I go off I get the bad acid reflux. I also get bumps in the top / roof of the mouth so I might increase to 3 or 4 then go back to 2 for maintenance. I do 2 a day mostly. I never needed much higher. I have to be carefull due to low BP. So I don't go too high of a dose. If I come off the acid reflux comes back.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried oxymatrine alone? Or do you need Chia's special house blend?
I've thought about it but I'm scared to try it. Since the concentration of oxymatrine in Equilibrant isn't advertised I'd have no idea where to start with dosing and would risk relapse. I also can't discount the possibility that the other ingredients in Equilibrant are helping as well.


Well-Known Member
I've thought about it but I'm scared to try it. Since the concentration of oxymatrine in Equilibrant isn't advertised I'd have no idea where to start with dosing and would risk relapse. I also can't discount the possibility that the other ingredients in Equilibrant are helping as well.
I'm also concerned about other oxymatrine products because Dr Chia created Equilibrant because he found the commercially available products very inconsistent, and (I think) not always pure. I think Dr Chia is an honorable enough guy that if he said that when he created Equilibrant, I'm comfortable that it was true. Then. Whether other oxymatrine products have improved since then, I couldn't say. There could very well be reliable products now, I just don't know how we can check. If I have to trust someone blindly, I'd rather trust Dr Chia than some company I know nothing about.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I've used white tiger and have not gotten sick. There's a capsule, I forget who makes it on Better Health

I can't take ole which is why I've avoided equlibrant. I don't do well when there are a lot of things in one.

And for this who can't afford it, some have done quite well with oxymatrine.

I do have some to experiment with.

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