Hi Cort,
Actually, when we met a few years ago, I was still really reactive and my system would have gone crazy from the cross-contamination from your giving me a hug if you had been currently living among any really bad toxins, including problematic possessions. So I feel pretty confident that you are clear of the really bad ones.
in which case, changing clothes before going camping likely would not make much of a difference. It's just people who have been in really bad environments and are still carrying those toxins around with them who need to worry about that.
It is really really hard to get totally over this illness. Symptoms do linger on. But compared to a lot of people, you seem to be doing pretty well, and so I was not too unsurprised that you would not have currently being getting the kind of exposures that would knock me under the table.
Thanks much for your kind words about the ozone therapy article! I'm still feeling positive about doing that treatment, so we'll see how much farther over the hump it can get me.
Best, Lisa