Physical, but not cognitive fatigue


Active Member
I'm 70. I've always had slow muscle recovery. Also easily fatigued. Had trouble making it through a 9-5 day, which fortunately I didn't have to do after age 33. Played tennis in my forties. Again, long recovery time compared to peers. Had heart surgery in 2015 with profound general fatigue afterwards. My heart is fine now. Since then, I need to lie down after being on my feet for 30 minutes or sitting for 2-3 hours. I do however progress with weight-lifting and short sprints. I get stronger and faster. Just no endurance. I don't have the cognitive problems that chronic fatigue syndrome folks have, but physically my symptoms, post-exertional malaise, are very similar.


Hi there. I've had fibro and chronic myofascial pain for about 25 years now, but after surgery to fix a broken collarbone, I think I've developed chronic fatigue. My eyelids feel like lead. AND I'm really slow recovering from the surgery. Physio was going okay until I started some new exercises and now I'm back to square one. My physio therapist is miffed. I'm trying to come to terms with this new part of my life (the increased fatigue and the difficulty with recovery) and of course looking for reasons. Also looking for someone who has gone through something similar because no one seems to understand. The pain on moving my arm on the injured side feels the same as my hair being pulled!


New Member
My physio therapist is miffed. I'm trying to come to terms with this new part of my life (the increased fatigue and the difficulty with recovery) and of course looking for reasons.
You mentioned "new exercises." Of course you could cut back on the "new exercises" and see if there is a difference from cutting back. What activities accompanied the "new exercises"? Can you cut back on these also? (Maybe you've already done this.)


You mentioned "new exercises." Of course you could cut back on the "new exercises" and see if there is a difference from cutting back. What activities accompanied the "new exercises"? Can you cut back on these also? (Maybe you've already done this.)
Thanks for your reply. Do you have problems with slow muscle recovery?

I did cut back on the new exercises. I gradually went down to the least resistant Theraband, icing, heating, massaging and smelling like Voltaren. However, by then, the pain, with any kind of movement, was unbearable. I took a month off and just did stretching. Now I'm starting over with the first two exercises that I was given back on October, slowly, slowly, slowly, increasing the angle that I lift my arm forward and to the side. The massage therapist has started doing some fascia work and that seems to give me a few more inches each week.

I stretch out my pec and shoulder (on the injured side), but within half an hour, it's just as tight. From my middle pectoral muscle to my upper arm it feels like someone has put a couple strips of duct tape on my skin. It feels very weird. I know I have some nerve damage on that same area because I get burning and tingling, but that shouldn't interfere with my muscles working properly.

I'm just frustrated with the set back, how slow my physio is going and finding it hard to push myself when it hurts AND I'm so, so tired. I'm missing some great motorcycle riding weather.

(Sorry for hi-jacking your thread @jimbridger!) ;-)


New Member
Thanks for your reply. Do you have problems with slow muscle recovery?

I did cut back on the new exercises. I gradually went down to the least resistant Theraband, icing, heating, massaging and smelling like Voltaren. However, by then, the pain, with any kind of movement, was unbearable. I took a month off and just did stretching. Now I'm starting over with the first two exercises that I was given back on October, slowly, slowly, slowly, increasing the angle that I lift my arm forward and to the side. The massage therapist has started doing some fascia work and that seems to give me a few more inches each week.

I stretch out my pec and shoulder (on the injured side), but within half an hour, it's just as tight. From my middle pectoral muscle to my upper arm it feels like someone has put a couple strips of duct tape on my skin. It feels very weird. I know I have some nerve damage on that same area because I get burning and tingling, but that shouldn't interfere with my muscles working properly.

I'm just frustrated with the set back, how slow my physio is going and finding it hard to push myself when it hurts AND I'm so, so tired. I'm missing some great motorcycle riding weather.

(Sorry for hi-jacking your thread @jimbridger!) ;-)
Thanks for your reply. <<Do you have problems with slow muscle recovery?>>

If you're talking about specific muscle groups, no.

<<I did cut back on the new exercises. I gradually went down to the least resistant Theraband, icing, heating, massaging and smelling like Voltaren.>>

You were establishing a "baseline" (or "referent") for your pain?

<< However, by then, the pain, with any kind of movement, was unbearable.>>


<<I'm just frustrated with the set back, how slow my physio is going and finding it hard to push myself when it hurts AND I'm so, so tired. I'm missing some great motorcycle riding weather.>>

Yeah. (If you can keep some kind of a journal, it will help you be objective about your pain/your conidition.)

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