Plant based diet anyone?


Active Member
Ok so I am already pescatarian but after watching ‘the game changer’ on Netflix I have decided to try a vegan diet. For me this means the dairy has to go, I only really have milk in my decaf coffee anyway, don’t worry my b12 and iron are fine and I’m supplementing anyway ( my consultant advised iron for lethargy) will have fortified foods for calcium and vitamin d too! But just wondered if anyone had tried a plant based diet and wether that had any impact on their overall symptoms ?


Couple of things. A diet of un processed foods is likely ideal. What you eat should be based on trial and error and what you feel. Like all animals, this may change daily. When i have muscle injury, I will eat a pound of red meat a day. When I am out jogging, I will eat almost no meat at all. for days or weeks. The day before surfing, I will eat some cheese and wheat. All foods have a different effect and should be considered tools to use, more so that good or bad,

As for game changers. Its not a documentary. It's a non factual vegan propaganda movie made by a religious indoctrination attempt. It's widely known to be complete BS.


Active Member
Thankyou for your reply, that’s interesting that you use foods in this way, particularly your choice to not eat meats when jogging/ running ! But choose dairy products for surfing, and meat for recovery! If that something you’ve been informed to do or just feel it helps?
im interested to know where the Netflix game changers is widely known to be propaganda or BS ?


Thankyou for your reply, that’s interesting that you use foods in this way, particularly your choice to not eat meats when jogging/ running ! But choose dairy products for surfing, and meat for recovery! If that something you’ve been informed to do or just feel it helps?
im interested to know where the Netflix game changers is widely known to be propaganda or BS ?

I spent years studying people that recovered. I learned to ask questions from anyone who got further than me. I reached out to top athletes about diet, recovery from injury and exhausted nervous systems. I've had mentors, read 100's of books, spent 5 figures on blood testing. All this served to develop my gut instinct and intuition. I combined what I learned with how i feel. Now, I can go just off feel. The truth is, we all can go off feel alone. Those of us in the chronic illness realm learned to ignore our intuition at an earl age.

Dairy seems to have a hormonal impact. It takes very little to fill up the battery. Wheat, same thing but with energy levels. It has a longer term glycogen storage effect, giving me reserves when exerting. Red meat and limited chick have the effect of replacing and restoring damage to the muscle such as tears or heavy lifting. Carbs are the main source of fuel. You can use fat as a fuel, but thats a whole other rabbit hole that isnteasily to explain.

There are lots of podcasts and youtube videos that explain this stuff now. As for game changers, you would have to pay attention to how valid arguments are structured and understand how words are used to pursuede a personal agenda. The vegan Vs Omnivore debate is all based against the standard american western processed food diet. Either one will improve health dramticly against processed food. The big thing you can do is to limit or eliminate all PUFA (poly unsaturated fatty acids) oil. This is all seed and vegetable oils (not kidding) The other thing you can do is eat high fat and low carb or high carb and low fat, but NOT both at the same time. This is all widely available if you spend time looking and googling.


New Member
I tried a plant-based diet. To be honest, I felt lousy. I tortured my body for more than a year; it led to exhaustion. I had problems with vitamin b12 absorption. As you know, the castle factor is necessary for vitamin absorption, but my stomach was affected by poor nutrition. I forgot how to build a diet properly. After vegetarianism, I needed help compiling a diet, and I mainly used this site Before changing your diet, I advise you to determine your medical condition.


Well-Known Member
I tried going vegan some years ago and found that my health was declining and my temper worsening. It took a while but I put together a number of factors as causing all of this. Firstly, the phyto-estrogens in soy are always receiving praise in books on natural health but in some of us they cause issues with anger. Removing the soy removed the problem. Secondly, there are a number of toxins which plants produce which help to protect them from insects and other creatures which eat them. The worst one for myself is gluten. I have a severe intolerance of this and it was not only weakening me but causing lactose intolerance and migraines. Thirdly, I found that I actually needed the proteins and nutrients found in meat; they just seemed to work better for my body than the plant sourced proteins for some reason. I found that I needed only small amounts of animal sourced protein not just to be healthy but even to build large amounts of muscle.


Active Member
I was low-fat vegetarian for 30 year, and got really sick. So I added in eggs, fish, occational offal and plenty of health fats again, took some time but experience remissions on such a mixed diet.

Still am on a for a vast part plant based diet, but cut out carbohydrates to keep prediabetes in check. Interstingly, I don't have any intolerance to the usual plant-toxins.


Active Member
Couple of things. A diet of un processed foods is likely ideal. What you eat should be based on trial and error and what you feel. Like all animals, this may change daily. When i have muscle injury, I will eat a pound of red meat a day. When I am out jogging, I will eat almost no meat at all. for days or weeks. The day before surfing, I will eat some cheese and wheat. All foods have a different effect and should be considered tools to use, more so that good or bad,

As for game changers. Its not a documentary. It's a non factual vegan propaganda movie made by a religious indoctrination attempt. It's widely known to be complete BS.
Nothing can beat the efficiency of red meat, eggs and dairy for providing essentials that cannot be found elsewhere. I read over and over again from well founded sources that the Mediterranean diet is still considered the optimal eating plan.
There is a lot of propaganda out there and much of it involving farming and ranching practices I have been able to debunk from my knowledge as a practicing farmer/ rancher. A lot of it has come from young women/mothers seeking to prove their mothers and grandmothers had it all wrong. There is nothing wrong with wooden cutting boards as generations of my family have proven. No, dairy farmers do not let the baby calves die. The list is endless and humans prove over and over again their gullibility.
Read those labels. Do not eat processed foods. Make homemade noodles. Cook from scratch. At my house we keep basics on hand and freeze leftovers and I can always come up with a healthy tasty meal. You will also save a lot of money in these high inflationary price gouging times.
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Well-Known Member
I'm always loathe to trust doctors advice on health but I have found a ton of evidence in medical research which shows that the Mediterranean diet really does improve conditions involving inflammatory pathways and oxidative stress. This article links poor adherence to the diet to both oxidative stress and it's effect upon the bacterial endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide, in inducing fatty liver disease. The next one investigates how the Mediterranean diet can improve Alzheimer's disease by improving gut bacteria, so reducing lipopolysaccharide levels. There's no question that it does work but I am still looking through the research to try to find which specific foods in the diet are the most beneficial. I look at the Japanese/Okinawan diets, and their use of seaweed for improving the microbiome and lipopolysaccharide levels;


New Member
Literally three years ago I was a very fat person, so I decided to go on a diet. As a result, I managed to lose as much as 15 kilograms. During my diet, I ate only vegetables, fruits and sometimes drank coffee, nothing special. I think a diet won't hurt anyone!


New Member
I tried a plant based whole food diet and my health and functioning continued to decline. I have recently had patch testing done confirming a nickel allergy and most likely systemic involvement. Basically all the whole grains, leafy greens, legumes, nuts and seeds I was eating are high in Nickel, so eating "healthy" was making me worse. If I went back to a plant based diet, it would be really difficult to get enough protein.

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