Pneumovax 23 - Arm still hurts 2 weeks later

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I got a Pneumovax 23 on May 17 to do a vaccine challenge for my immune system. My arm didn't get nearly as bad as when I got the Pneumovax 13 but here it's 2 weeks later and my arm still hurts if I press it or bump it on something.

It's not red or swollen so I don't know what's up. I probably won't see the immuno for a month. I'll ask him then but I'm wondering if anyone has had this.


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I've had this when I was a little kid. It was a vaccination, but I can't remember which. Immediately after I got a lump on my arm on the exact spot where they had put the needle, but that went away after a few days. It still felt as if it was bruised for the longest time after that.

For years after, I felt that bruised feeling on that spot whenever the weather was about to change, which was really weird. I think they might have scratched sth in there and it became a scar? Cause scars can act up like that too. no idea, I never really understood it...

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I'm surprised because it's a short needle so it shouldnt have done too much. It was red and swollen for a few days which is normal.

It looks fine. Problem some flesh eating bacteria on the inside working its way through my body.


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I just don't get vaccines anymore, but I think I have experienced situations after common viruses where my immune system just doesn't turn off as quickly as the rest of the family. Can get hives and asthma as a consequence.

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The pneumovax 23 is standard for diagnosing immune disorders like CVID. So I had no choice.

I don't get any other vaccines. It looks fine. Oh well.


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I don't think vaccines are bad. I am grateful for them. Had plenty in my life. Just worried about my potential reaction when I am in such poor health. Glad you are getting better. I think these individual observation are important. What is CVID?

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@Merida CVID is Chronic Variable Immune Deficiency. The criteria is Low total immunoglobulin, Low IgG subsets 1 and 3 and Low IgA, high IgM which I have. Plenty of people with MECFS have it.

It is almost important to check the response of the immune system so they run labs for the 23 serotypes in the Pneumovax, get the vaccine, then wait 4 weeks and go back for follow up labs of the 23 serotypes. Then they check for the immune response.

A DX of CVID is one of the things medicare accepts to get immunoglobulin.
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Thanks for the info. Gee, I treat with a well known immunologist/ CFS doc and have not had this done. lots of blood work. Hmmm. Will ask about it. He did tell me that he thought I had a form of connective tissue autoimmune

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Chia does test IgG subclasses and has used IVIG pretty extensively as far as I understand.

I didn't know. I just never heard any of his patients talk about it. They all talk about Equilibrant. And I know he must test for autoimmune diseases since he recommends you not take Equilibrant if you have an autoimmune response.

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