Prime Minister Trudeau apolgizes


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Prime Minister Trudeau Apologizes to Canadians with ME.

Okay, not quite yet -but wouldn't that be great?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to see Canadians with ME on Millions Missing Day on May 12th if we want to move meaningfully toward equitable health care and research funding.

Other Canadians need to see us on ME day too.

Be part of the effort to help PM Trudeau and others see ME now by joining our Visibility Action.this coming Saturday.

#JustinTrudeau #canyouseeMEnow?

On May 12th, we'll gather in downtown Toronto at the south-east corner of Bay & Bloor Streets (Bay subway station) from noon - 2pm for Millions Missing Canada's Visibility Action.

We'll be selling Millions Missing Canada t-shirts for $40 and Justin Trudeau masks for $15.

We will bring signs, shoes from the missing, shirts and Trudeau masks.

You bring your camera, yourself and as many family and friends as possible.

RSVP on our Facebook event page.

Be creative and bring items to represent the sick and missing: shoes, wheelchairs, bed on rollers, IV stand.

And make yourself comfortable: bring a folding chair or cushions to sit on. Remember, we would be marching in protest but we're too sick!

We will also be digitally recording messages to PM Trudeau from patients / carers / family / friends.

So think ahead of time about what you think our Prime Minister needs to see, hear and do about ME in Canada.

Maybe you want to tell him to do his job and ensure equitable health care and research funding for Canadians with ME. Maybe it's to stop the harm, fund the research, and start the treatment.

Whatever it is, the #CanadianPM needs to hear from YOU!

During and afterwards we will post pictures of our Visibility Action on social media along with others from around the world, to inundate social media and demonstrate the mass collective action for ME health equality!

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