In life sometimes all we are left with is an 'intelligent observation' and 'intelligent analysis', considering the acts and words and revelations of the key actors and their lack of response too, in this world of corruption (VW,FIFA,WADA,IAAF et many cetera....) which makes you realize a certain number of things,sadly..We have but one life.But one youth (I am 36).
They were all sitting around the poker table ladies n gentlemen. Mr.Definitive Study opening the bet. Mr.CBTGET from London seeing his bet. Mr's.RVsAreSafe Vectors seeing the bet too.CDC,MRC, seeing the bet too. All of em looking at the patient eyeball on to get him to fold.What do you do when the chips are ALL stacked against you??? You fold.....Yes....But just as you re about to throw in your cards n they start to smirk(thinking they've managed to pull off the perfect crime by feeding the masses with a couple of barmy 3year/post 3year cytokine chemokine studies.... just to pleasure people
.....), you do the unexpected.YOU GO ALL IN.And you see their faces drop n smash on the green table.
We called their bluff.
All of their hot red chilly and PACE bluffs n inertia.
With Viread 245mg (to start with) under strict medical surveillance.
Time to flush out the dirt and clean it all up.
This was never about the science,which speaks for itself,which cries out for itself,which ravages the body...
Get your XXL coke n popcorn ready and marvel as they all disintegrate n crumble.
They lied to the American and British public and to the world.About what they knew and what they did not know.
We are not crumbs.
We really are dealing with psychopaths here who are preventing people from getting better.The truth would mean that their careers stood for nothing, that their previous definitive studies would have to be reviewed (mmr wakefield) in new light.That biological products produced in the past were not so clean as research n biological facilities were shared.
At some stage you gotta draw a line under it.
You see the RED TAPE in front of your damn eyes n it's really thick but you RUN thru it. N u just dont stop until it snaps.