Retroviruses in disease



The Mikovits antibody test does not pick up Herv. It is clever enough to go one step further and only pick up exogenous retroviruses. Who knows what happens to hervs if u have them. Depends. But definitely not a direct diagnostic marker. Perhaps 25% relevant?

It s 2016
Science paper published 2009
How sad it has come down to Frankenstein science and recreating or slowly forcing new reclassifications.
And the band plays on.
No more old tricks.
The smart patients have worked it all out.
VW cars are not so green.
FIFA was so not clean.
IAAF closed their eyes to many things.
As did WADA.
There was corruption at play here in science too.Mikovits discovery is already defining the next generation of science. The naysayers are choking themselves desperately to the very end of their careers.
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Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
The Mikovits antibody test does not pick up Herv. It is clever enough to go one step further and only pick up exogenous retroviruses. Who knows what happens to hervs if u have them. Depends. But definitely not a direct diagnostic marker. Perhaps 25% relevant?

It s 2016
Science paper published 2009
How sad it has come down to Frankenstein science

Atleast they are looking at retroviruses. They might stumble on mikovits work and then everything will click together , I hope?

Exogenous retrovirus might be reactivating the endogenous RVs, so this might be something that leads them to the right answer????


Why go the long route round?
No more waiting for me. No time for games.
I took arv s n got cured

Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
Why go the long route round?
No more waiting for me. No time for games.
I took arv s n got cured

I know. But when ones the leader of the pack, they have to wait for the rest of the field to catch up before its common knowledge. When its common knowledge maybe even better arvs will be available????

Also the issue is getting the right diagnoses eg cfs/rv or maybe someone has cfs/hhv6. All this needs to be 100% sorted out also???

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Why go the long route round?
No more waiting for me. No time for games.
I took arv s n got cured

What viruses/labs did you have to decide ARV was the way to go? Sorry if you posted this. No working brain cells.


In life sometimes all we are left with is an 'intelligent observation' and 'intelligent analysis', considering the acts and words and revelations of the key actors and their lack of response too, in this world of corruption (VW,FIFA,WADA,IAAF et many cetera....) which makes you realize a certain number of things,sadly..We have but one life.But one youth (I am 36).
They were all sitting around the poker table ladies n gentlemen. Mr.Definitive Study opening the bet. Mr.CBTGET from London seeing his bet. Mr's.RVsAreSafe Vectors seeing the bet too.CDC,MRC, seeing the bet too. All of em looking at the patient eyeball on to get him to fold.What do you do when the chips are ALL stacked against you??? You fold.....Yes....But just as you re about to throw in your cards n they start to smirk(thinking they've managed to pull off the perfect crime by feeding the masses with a couple of barmy 3year/post 3year cytokine chemokine studies.... just to pleasure people
.....), you do the unexpected.YOU GO ALL IN.And you see their faces drop n smash on the green table.
We called their bluff.
All of their hot red chilly and PACE bluffs n inertia.
With Viread 245mg (to start with) under strict medical surveillance.

Time to flush out the dirt and clean it all up.
This was never about the science,which speaks for itself,which cries out for itself,which ravages the body...
Get your XXL coke n popcorn ready and marvel as they all disintegrate n crumble.
They lied to the American and British public and to the world.About what they knew and what they did not know.
We are not crumbs.
We really are dealing with psychopaths here who are preventing people from getting better.The truth would mean that their careers stood for nothing, that their previous definitive studies would have to be reviewed (mmr wakefield) in new light.That biological products produced in the past were not so clean as research n biological facilities were shared.
At some stage you gotta draw a line under it.
You see the RED TAPE in front of your damn eyes n it's really thick but you RUN thru it. N u just dont stop until it snaps.
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Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
In life sometimes all we are left with is an 'intelligent observation' and 'intelligent analysis', considering the acts and words and revelations of the key actors and their lack of response too, in this world of corruption (VW,FIFA,WADA,IAAF et many cetera....) which makes you realize a certain number of things,sadly..We have but one life.But one youth (I am 36).
They were all sitting around the poker table ladies n gentlemen. Mr.Definitive Study opening the bet. Mr.CBTGET from London seeing his bet. Mr's.RVsAreSafe Vectors seeing the bet too.CDC,MRC, seeing the bet too. All of em looking at the patient eyeball on to get him to fold.What do you do when the chips are ALL stacked against you??? You fold.....Yes....But just as you re about to throw in your cards n they start to smirk(thinking they've managed to pull off the perfect crime by feeding the masses with a couple of barmy cytokine chemokine studies just to pleasure people
.....), you do the unexpected.YOU GO ALL IN.And you see their faces drop n smash on the green table.
We called their bluff.
All of their bluffs.
With Viread 245mg (to start with) under strict medical surveillance.

Time to flush out the dirt and clean it all up.
This was never about the science,which speaks for itself,which cries out for itself,which ravages the body...
Get your XXL coke n popcorn ready and marvel as they all disintegrate n crumble.
They lied to the American and British public and to the world.About what they knew and what they did not know.
We are not crumbs.
We really are dealing with psychopaths here who are preventing people from getting better.The truth would mean that their careers stood for nothing, that their previous definitive studies would have to be reviewed (mmr wakefield) in new light.That biological products produced in the past were not so clean as facilities were shared.
At some stage you gotta draw a line under it.

Haha, love it. All in bet. I had few with a few small wins with famvir and valcyte. Time to hit the jackpot. Whats a fair time frame while on tenofovir to see noticeable improvement?

Any other cheaper arvs then isentress that would be effective? Lamivudine i have heard some improve on this arv while using it for enteroviruses but thats not to say it wasnt hitting a RV??

AZT i have heard may be effective but the side effects worry me.


Lipkin to Mikovits+Ruscetti : ""I know you got a virus.We know you isolated the virus.I will make personally certain that you Judy and Frank work on the next isolation study.""

Sign my mbio study now,play good,n i ll make sure you guys can come back......

we re still waiting 4y on......

"It (xmrv) simply isnt there. We are disappointed..." when mikovits said that she spoke of xmrv slvmn. Which WAS NOT her original discovery. The stupidity of the Lipkin study is beyond daft to the power daft.

Semantics. Old games. They pulled out every trick in the bag. Psychopaths. No other word for it.

Those who doubt Mikovits, here s what they gotta do if they are man enough. They gotta trace back in their mind everything anyone s ever told them about this since 2009 n dissect it n analyse it. And then own up bravely once they realize everyone lied to them for the reasons they discover. Takes courage. It WAS NOT XMRV slvmn. And Lipkin denied the third sample for the indeterminants, the few real samples in there.

Give me a break.
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