Save the Date: ME/CFS Advocacy Week April 19-25, 2020

((Sorry I was slow on posting this - been traveling to DC this past week. SUPER successful visits. More updates coming soon!))



Save the Date:
The 4th Annual ME/CFS Advocacy Day on April 21, 2020

The 4th Annual ME/CFS Advocacy Week will take place from Sunday April 19, 2020 to Saturday April 25, 2020. The 2020 National Solve M.E. Advocacy Summit in Washington DC will take place from Monday, April 20 through Wednesday, April 22, 2020.

The main event, ME/CFS Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill, will take place on Tuesday April 21, 2020 – where we hope to hold over 200 meetings with Members of Congress and their staff.

ME/CFS Advocacy Week brings people with ME/CFS, their loved ones, advocates, scientists, clinicians and caregivers from across the country together to demand more action and research funding, meet other advocates, and share their unique stories with members of congress, together in one voice. The keystone event of ME/CFS Advocacy Week is Washington DC Lobby Day, a full-day Capitol Hill storm where hundreds of advocates meet face-to-face with members of congress and their staff.

For the latest information about the event, please visit the event webpage:

Registration is now Open!
To register to participate in ME/CFS Advocacy Day on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, click

We’ll be announcing our full schedule of events in the near future.


Active Member
I told my hubby and family that for cfs/me awareness week we should have a opt-in at our downtown fountain square as most of us cannot walk, ride or run like many other diseases do to raise awareness and to raise money....we will take our sleeping bags and pillows and make signs, etc!
I told my hubby and family that for cfs/me awareness week we should have a opt-in at our downtown fountain square as most of us cannot walk, ride or run like many other diseases do to raise awareness and to raise money....we will take our sleeping bags and pillows and make signs, etc!

Thank you for being a part of this nationwide effort! We'll have local actions and a local toolkit so you can take action in your home town, online, and even from bed for those who are severe. We will try to include as many of our community as possible.

Be sure to check our website for updates!

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