Say NO To Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccine


Well-Known Member
Talking with some others about this Tragedy the world is living and dying thru, Vit D3 is one Missing Piece that could have potentially saved Millions. No where do the "officials" talk about this ONE...not that I read/heard anyway. Only talk of Zinc was from Trump and his pharma drug he supposedly takes. And then of course, the bandaids: Masks, etc.


Well-Known Member
Flu Shots for Children May Push to More CoVid outbreaks:

Strengthen your children's natural Immune System, pumping them full of vaccines is NOT the answers.

There is Oscillo for Children, so look seriously at this homeopathic, I've kept it on hand for many works. Also if children's oscillo is hard to find, the adult oscillo for children 2 and above is used....It works..
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Well-Known Member
Flu Shots for Children May Push to More CoVid outbreaks:

Strengthen your children's natural Immune System, pumping them full of vaccines is NOT the answers.

There is Oscillo for Children, so look seriously at this homeopathic, I've kept it on hand for many works. Also if children's oscillo is hard to find, the adult oscillo for children 2 and above is used....It works..

I just wanted to point out that is not a trusted news source. It is well-known for posting false and fabricated information.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to point out that is not a trusted news source. It is well-known for posting false and fabricated information.

Thanks and I take Fauci and his gang of story tellers, the same with some doubt, often a lot of doubt. And forever aware of Fauci's cushy high paying govt position for decades...
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Active Member
Thanks and I take Fauci and his gang of story tellers, the same with some doubt, often a lot of doubt. And forever aware of Fauci's cushy high paying govt position for decades...

Fauci actually recently spoke about ME/CFS, so this COVID-19 pandemic may open the doors for better ME/CFS treatments:

Dr. Fauci went on to say, “If you look anecdotally there is no question that there are a considerable number of individuals who have a post-viral syndrome that really in many respects can incapacitate them for weeks and weeks following so-called recovery and clearing of the virus….you can see people who’ve recovered who really do not get back to normal that they have things that are highly suggestive of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Brain fog, fatigue, and difficulty in concentrating so this is something we really need to seriously look at because it very well might be a post-viral syndrome associated with covid-19.”


Well-Known Member
Here is an email I sent to a group of friends and family, and we don't hear Fauci talk about Iodine, D3 and the rest of them, do we?

After doing some soul searching and reading, here is what I come up with:

1..Japan is a Rich Iodine Food consumption population. Iodine Kills of Viruses.
One can find a lot of sites on Iodine and Viruses if the above link does not work well.

2. They have been a high mask wearing population for a long time, they are very obedient...and This is not what I'm wanting for wear a mask for years.

3. Their population is probably a 1/3 of the U.S. population.

4. Not so good, Japan has a high smoking population.

5. Japan is a country with High Pollution.

We are a country low in iodine rich foods and high in Covid. Make any sense?

Personally, I have been dosing with under 2mg of Iodine (Iosol) for many years. And eat some sea foods now and then but certainly nothing like the people of Japan.

So these are my thoughts this morning after a good restorative night's sleep.
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Well-Known Member
On Noory's program last night Celente spoke on this pandemic, don't know any here tune into Coast to Coast....

I did, and Gerald Celente shared trends on the horizon, and offered commentary on the pandemic.

I came away from this program believing:

We have been fed lies lies lies and more lies.

Masks are a HOAX.

If our country recovers it will be a MIRACLE, and many may not recover.

And the Asian flu which I had in 1957 killed over 1 million worldwide and I have no recollection of hearing any of that...I may have been in bed for a week or so, don't recall for sure, but was really sick, I was 18. No masks either. And that was over 60 yrs ago so account for the major growth in our worldwide population.

Believe what you all will but I know what I'm believing more and more.


Active Member
Masks are a HOAX.

May I ask, why do you think that? Masks have been worn for decades by doctors in hospital setting performing surgical operations or when around immunocompromised patients etc., so there is absolutely no doubt masks reduce droplet transmission when we speak, cough or sneeze. Masks obviously won't protect you from getting infected by another person, but they will reduce the likelihood of the person wearing the mask transmitting the virus to others via droplets.

If wearing a mask can even slightly reduce the chance of someone getting COVID-19, in worst case ending up dead or with ME/CFS from long-term COVID infection, it's worth doing in my opinion. Actually wearing masks is a much smaller price to pay than closing down countries and destroying economies.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's true they have used in OR's, infectious disease wards but are off and on worn...not on for hours on end....some docs in long surgical procedures and nurses too is an exception.

I was in a hospital setting and rehab for 4.5 months in 2016 and didn't see a mask until wheeled in OR for a knee cleanout.

There is just TOO MUCH info circulating out there on this CV mess. And in spite of the forced masking, many are still dying etc...and the mess this country is in.

Did you read #12 above on Celente's comments?

I keep a strong immune system and it's too D*** bad others don't. I don't need someone to wear a mask to protect me...thanks.

So would your goal be to live in a country with some 340Million living with masks?
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Well-Known Member
Yes, it's true they have used in OR's, infectious disease wards but are off and on worn...not on for hours on end....some docs in long surgical procedures and nurses too is an exception.

So would your goal be to live in a country with some 340Million living with masks?

I live in a part of Canada where we keep scarfs around our faces for hours at a time in the winter and yet there is no noticeable reduction in people's immune systems here.

So would your goal be to live in a country with some 340Million living with masks?

I know this question wasn't directed towards me but my humble opinion is that if those people are interacting with other people then yes, I would love that to be a goal until the pandemic is over. My country has been working hard to keep the infection rate down and there is a huge difference between the cases amount in Canada then in the United States and other countries because of this.


Well-Known Member
I would think your country of about 30M will be much easier to control than even mine of 340M some....I live in a state where people wear shorts all year. Take care.


Well-Known Member
I would think your country of about 30M will be much easier to control than even mine of 340M some

An interesting fact about Canada is that about half of the population actually lives in a very small area of the country so it is actually much harder to control an infectious disease then you'd assume because of the way the population density works here.


Well-Known Member
Proceed at your own Risk, and face any consequences.....they need all the guina pigs they can muster up.

And YOU trust the warp speed vaccine guys and what they are doing????
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