So, for Dr. De Meirleir ME/CFS is Lyme. (Now from his own lips)


Well-Known Member
I got this on another forum. It's a radio interview where KDM starts to talk at about 31:20.

He finnaly says loud and clear ME/CFS is the same as Lyme.
For those following his patients and his data, it seemed like he was heading this direction for a long time but we've never had anything official.
And actually this interview is not even thath new, it's from October 2014.


Well-Known Member
It's been a big part of my picture. There is however a Protozoa much bigger and badder. Myprotomyzoa Rehumatica or FL1953. I saw Dr Fry this week. He said they are finding it more and more. But not all are getting sick from it. He feels it has to do with some peoples immune system and inability to detect and fight off the invaders. He feels we are predisposed and has found there to be family links.

With me, if I don't keep my diet low fat enough, I have another flare with lots of neurological issues. This week I will be increasing my antibiotics to induce a herx (die off). I've been a little out of sorts lately. Hoping to get back to a better baseline. This week won't be fun though.

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Well-Known Member
I just listened to the program. He said a lot of the same things that Dr Fry told me this week.

Sadly, some of the most intelligent people, who are researchers, give the most push back on this. I know it must be tiring to the "pioneer" type doctors who are making these discoveries and pushing ahead for more research. I asked Dr Fry was he any closer to finding something to help the immune system with this, Since not everyone that has the pathogens gets so sick. What is it that is different. He said he is working hard on that million dollar question. But it takes time and money. He will be having another paper being published soon. It's in peer review right now.

That has been my purpose in the forums that I'm on - this has been a great discovery for me. I'm getting better. Still have a way to go. But, I have a life now.



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I got this on another forum. It's a radio interview where KDM starts to talk at about 31:20.

He finnaly says loud and clear ME/CFS is the same as Lyme.
For those following his patients and his data, it seemed like he was heading this direction for a long time but we've never had anything official.
And actually this interview is not even thath new, it's from October 2014.
That's kind of amazing....I'll check it out...


Well-Known Member
Can't stop thinking about this... It's really something

Yet I don't know what to conclude.

I didn't know it before but Yolanda Foster was acutally diagnosed by Dr. De Meirleir. Her prior diagnosis was CFS/ME.

The tests for Lyme and coinfections Dr. De Meirleir uses aren't aproved by FDA, but he uses 4 different labs to test his patients with different methods.

On the one hand is it possible that a doctor with KDM knowledge (all his publications, being a professor in Brussels University, all the importance he had for the field, the fact that he was the best rated Dr. according to patients) can be so naive?
On the other hand, is it possible that all the other doctors could be missing it all this time?


Well-Known Member
It's so controversial. I was so excited when my Labcorp testing and my test at Dr Frys came back positive. I don't think this is my whole issue. But for sure is one piece of the puzzle. thing to remember - both he and Dr Fry both said - it's not so much the pathogen it's that some peoples immune system can't recognize and keep them at bay without it making those predisposed people very sick. So it comes down to the problem being the immune system. That's the bottom line. How to get the immune system to recognize what it should and not attack what it shouldn't. I could write a book on what I've learned in this regard. So many possible answers to this question. One to think about is proteins. Mostly animal proteins. The body gets confused and starts attacking us instead. One of the first things MS people are told to come off of is dairy - an animal protein. Our body breaks down plant proteins differently.

But, I'm getting side tracked - sadly there are those that don't even believe in Lyme or Protozoa as an issue. Some countries don't even acknowledge it and say their country doesn't have it. With how people travel so much these days - one person traveling can bring it back. They feel it may can be passed from mother to unborn child and also passed sexually. How can it not be a worldwide issue? But for some of us with faulty autoimmune systems it's a bigger problem. I've been very verbal about what I'm discovering with myself and my healing journey. I have taken a lot of pushback and that surprises me. I'm a different person now and I've had poor health most of my life.

I do however feel there was an epigenetic trigger that started me, my sis and a male friend down the path to autoimmune dysfunction. That was a polio vaccine back in the early 60s. We got so sick we were hospitalized and couldn't walk or even lift our head off the pillow. We missed months of school. None of us have been the same since. And later in life I did have a tick. And the other Protozoa can be spread by Mosquitos and I've had millions of bites from those.

I think with time more docs will pay attention. It's up to us that have discovered it for ourselves and the pioneer type doctors who can talk about our sucess by addressing this - that may make a difference. You can read my thread on Dr Fry on this forum and it will take you to another forum with lots of research that I've done on this.



Well-Known Member
There was also a lecture from Dr. Kenny De Meirleir something like a month ago in the United States.

The WPI even advertised about it, but then he asked no to be open for public since there was unpublished data... Don't know what to think about that either...


Well-Known Member
???? I see he has done a lot of lectures for the Lyme association. I could not find anything in the last few months either.

There are two types of Lyme. One is considered chronic. Despite what should be adequate treatment the symptoms with weakness, pain, fatigue and many times neurological issues persist. That's where longer term low dose antibiotic treatment comes in. With my having more than one type of Protozoa - I fall into this category. I was not treated when I had my tick bite and have had millions of mosquito bites. I recently had to up my Doxy to 2 pills a day - 3 days a week and the Arteminsin (Antimalarial) herbal the other days. We are trying to induce a herx to have a die off. I've done it a week and nothing so far. It's a lifelong commitment. So far they don't know how to erridicate one of them. You just have to keep it managed and try to keep your immune system running optimum.



Well-Known Member
Was hoping someone might had summarized it - despite his request. Sometimes you can find that.


Mats Lindström

Active Member
The 7:th of december six members (included my wife) in my Facebook group (Databas ME/CFS) are going to try "dark field microscopy" in Sweden. It is a therapeut who is able to detect lyme, babesia, bartonella and mycoplasma. It will be very interesting. I wonder if there are more or less 50% who have lyme disease...


Well-Known Member
Hoping you find answers.
After treating for 2 years and doing well, exposure to mold has thrown me into a flare. My doxy quit working. Now, I'm using herbals and addressing mold/fungal issues.

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