Some humor - maybe


Active Member
I was able to get out last week - 1 of 3 half good days for me that month. When at QFC grocery store there was a display of boxes of masks. I thought it would be good to have some spares around what with Nebraska family visiting in June and my occasional memory lapses in that I occasionally forget to wear one in a store and I get strange stares so I like to keep a spare. I bought 2 boxes at $5 each. When I returned home and picked up the boxes I saw the - wait for it, wait for it - made in china on each box.
In a way this is humorous but in another way it isn't. Sad and frustrating even angering. Come on America - try to get this one right.
Needless to say they were returned for a full refund.


Active Member
Good thing they are refunded. Its really ironic that China started this pandemic yet most of the supplies to prevent COVID is coming also from them like masks, PPE and the Sinovac Vaccine. It made me wonder if this pandemic is for capitalism purposes only. I'm actually not even sure if COVID is true yet news are telling that many are being brought in the hospital. Geez, I just want this pandemic to end soon..


Active Member
Good thing they are refunded. Its really ironic that China started this pandemic yet most of the supplies to prevent COVID is coming also from them like masks, PPE and the Sinovac Vaccine. It made me wonder if this pandemic is for capitalism purposes only. I'm actually not even sure if COVID is true yet news are telling that many are being brought in the hospital. Geez, I just want this pandemic to end soon..
I believe it is true. My husband lost a brother to it. Can you imagine the globalized cooperation needed to coordinate something this big if it is a farce. Something of biblical prophecy proportions. I just do my part and follow rules. My son-in-law had covid last year and he said he had never been that sick in his life. So glad he survived and didn't leave my daughter with 4 children to raise. No I am not a doubter but continuing to do business with China is really a no-brainer. What can we expect from a greedy government and coporate America. I never thought the "race" to create a vaccine was a viable solution. I felt it was very political. I have never been a global thinker.

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