Spinal Fluid Study Finds Major Changes/ Evidence of Immune Exhaustion in ME/CFS


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Below are the main points of the study.

Summing Up

  1. The fact that the alterations in the immune factors in the ME/CFS were almost as extreme as in multiple sclerosis - a disorder characterized by severe central nervous system dysfunction - suggests a major pathology is present in the central nervous systems of ME/CFS patients.
  2. The low cytokine levels suggests that some sort of immune exhaustion - caused by an infection or by immune upregulation - is present in ME/CFS. These findings parallel those of the recent Hornig/Lipkin study suggesting that immune up regulation early in the disorder may lead to immune burnout later on.
  3. Several of the immune factors in the ME/CFS patients spinal fluid suggest an allergic type of reaction may be occurring in their CNS. That is also found in some central nervous system infections – so an infection could be driving this process.
  4. The immune factor most identified with the ME/CFS patients has been associated with cognitive declines, aging and reduced neuron production.
You can find the whole blog here: http://simmaronresearch.com/2015/04...ramatic-differences-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/

Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
ah yes, immune exhaustion, explains why many cant control supposedly latent infections.

I hope they work out how to fix immune exhaustion.

Katherine Autry

Active Member
I think the answer for immune exhaustion is the same as the answer for many cancers, for MS, and for other autoimmune disease. HSCT. Tremendous success in clinical trials around the world, with most people disease free after the bad cells and pathogens are killed via chemo, and the cleaned stem cells are put back to reboot the immune system. Check out dr. Burt at Chicago northwestern, all the diseases treated, all the success stories of people getting up out of their wheelchairs and walking. I was there with a friend who had MS (had, past tense!).

As for where to move within NIH, I have no confidence in neurologists. We should be grouped with the docs doing HSCT so a clinical trial for me/CFS can be funded. I think Dr Burt is an immune system doctor. Another home might be the heart lung and blood group since there is significant evidence of vascular disease in CFS/me and it would be less political there. Another option - maybe my favorite-would be the human genome project office since they are on the cutting edge of understanding that all disease is really a function of pathogen load and the immune dysfunction caused by those pathogens.


Well-Known Member
( Not mentioned in the article, but......) there is also the possibility of triggers of epigenetic mutations - be it triggered by foreign introduction into ones system like - vaccines, pesticides and GMO foods. Or maybe even things introduced via bites of Mosquitos, ticks etc. (But that would fit with pathogen introduction and dysfunctional autoimmune system to control these.) I find the idea of an allergy reaction of the CNS interesting. Since I have MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) one of my meds also seems to affect the immune system and it helps with the sympathetic reactions that a degranulation causes. It has been one of the best things in the many complex facets that I've addressed.

Cort, I'm sure people appreciate your summarizing the article for those of us having a brain fog day. Good job!


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