We all know that vitamin D levels are important...but what to do when it is winter and the sun is limited?
Taking a Vit D3 supplement seems like the easy and obvious solution, but the problem is that we cannot sulfate oral vitamin D very well at all. Cod liver oil works, but to get it without synthetic vitamins common in cheaper products is expensive too.
Sperti light boxes are an option, but they are also expensive.
Enter the tanning bed! Note that this is not a typical cosmetic tanning procedure. The modern tanning beds don't produce very much UVB so you have to find the older style beds with the long tubes (not the round ones). Ask them for a bed that produces the most %age of UVB, take the time suggested for a cosmetic tan and cut it in half. NEVER BURN!
I go an extra step and cover my face and neck with a towel as I can make plenty of vitamin D on my body without exposing my face.
I find this method works well as long as one can get out to the tanning salon, of course, and is much cheaper. I find it improves my mood as well as my D level. It is no replacement for true AM sunlight, but in a pinch, it will do!
Taking a Vit D3 supplement seems like the easy and obvious solution, but the problem is that we cannot sulfate oral vitamin D very well at all. Cod liver oil works, but to get it without synthetic vitamins common in cheaper products is expensive too.
Sperti light boxes are an option, but they are also expensive.
Enter the tanning bed! Note that this is not a typical cosmetic tanning procedure. The modern tanning beds don't produce very much UVB so you have to find the older style beds with the long tubes (not the round ones). Ask them for a bed that produces the most %age of UVB, take the time suggested for a cosmetic tan and cut it in half. NEVER BURN!
I go an extra step and cover my face and neck with a towel as I can make plenty of vitamin D on my body without exposing my face.
I find this method works well as long as one can get out to the tanning salon, of course, and is much cheaper. I find it improves my mood as well as my D level. It is no replacement for true AM sunlight, but in a pinch, it will do!