Thanking my representative


Well-Known Member
After reading the Solve ME/CFS Spring Chronicle (|+Spring+Chronicle+2016) I decided to write and thank my senator. My senator, Bill Cassidy was listed as one of the representatives who met with Carol Head on March 9th.

I don't know if much came of the meeting, but hopefully some groundwork has been laid. I wanted to let him know that I am one of his constituents, I have ME/CFS and that while I appreciate his listening, it is funding that we need. He is also a medial doctor.


Well-Known Member
Well, I got a response from my senator. I am posting his response. It seems largely a form letter, but I am still hopeful that the number of times they read about or come in contact with those of us who suffer from ME/CFS is helpful. I also sent him a copy of Forgotten Plague.

Dear Mrs. Smith:

Thank you for writing in with your comments. It is good to hear from you, and I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. As a medical doctor and the husband of a breast cancer surgeon, I know firsthand the problems patients face.

I came to Congress to lower health care costs, increase access to high-quality care, and put patients in charge of their health care dollars and decisions. By increasing patients’ control over their health care decisions and lowering the cost of access, we can achieve this goal.
You will be pleased to know that I currently sit on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. I am working with my colleagues in Congress on step-by-step and fiscally sound reforms to address our nation’s healthcare needs. While I have not made a decision about this issue yet, you can be certain that I will take your thoughts into consideration as I do.
I will continue to represent the views of my state and do so through hearing from constituents like you. Please continue to reach out, either by phone or by email, when you have another question or concern. You can reach my office in Washington DC at 202-224-5824 or submit an email at


Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.

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