The Health Gut Summit is On!


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Recent blogs have attested to how valuable a healthy gut can be at least some of us. A week-long "Heal Your Gut" summit featuring alternative health experts has just begun.
These internet summits usually involve leaders in alternative health field and they are free. Once you register you can view the presentations as they occur. At the end of the summit you’re given the opportunity to get a download of the thirty plus presentations plus supplementary material for a good price.

If you're interested in using alternative approaches like probiotics to get your gut in better shape this summit - which consists of about 30 internet presentations over the next week - might just be the place to be.
We’ve recently seen how powerful gut flora manipulation can be for some people with ME/CFS/FM. Now a week-long “Healthy Gut Summit” is occurring that some people might find useful. These summits, which generally focus on alternative ways to treat illnesses, can pack a lot of “easily digestible” information in over a short period of time.

The second day, Tuesday the 19th, features talks on
  • Healing the Microbiome & Thyroid Can Heal Gastrointestinal Illness
  • End Hormone Havoc: The Gut Hormone Connection
  • Pediatric Gut Health: Why it Matters and How Herbs & Oils Can Help
  • Go with Your Gut: Balance Hormones, Shed Weight & Increase Libido
  • Getting to The Root Cause of Thyroid Disease
Register for the Heal Your Gut Summit here and you’ll be able to view the entire week of presentations for free and you’ll get some bonus presentations as well:
  • 5 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut, Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS
  • Boost Immunity with Gut-Immune-Cancer Connection, Ty Bollinger
  • Getting to The Root Cause of Thyroid Disease, Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP
  • Secrets to Overcome Candida & Yeast, Donna Gates, MEd, ABAAHP
Health Rising is an affiliate of this summit. If you end up buying the presentation HR will get a cut.
Health Rising is an affiliate of this summit

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