The latest on Mask wearing, and Collateral damage from lockdowns, & Chemicals in Masks and Lung Cancer


Well-Known Member
Well, we're into 9 months now on this covid stuff and here is some of the latest on the GREAT :mad: advice the world has been given.

On the mask:

On the lockdowns:

Chemicals in Many of the Masks and Lung Cancer possibility

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Just stay home whenever there's no important errands to make. No mask inside your own home.

Anyway, any Chemical free mask?



Well-Known Member
Use a cotton bandana if you need....but with all the others wear as short a time as possible... My friend who does some shopping for me just called and in whole foods and masked, said this Fing mask..... He and I agree so much on all this damage done to the world...


Well-Known Member
Just wondering about you folks who have to wear a mask all day in your work place, how is that going. Nothing healthy about it but there are businesses where the mask police work to enforce the mask wearing constantly.

Our gov got called out for attending a large party at a major restaurant and no masks worn by any of the about hypocrites.....


Well-Known Member
I'm taking advice from Dr Fauci.

Not sure where you're digging up these studies but I suspect a political motive when I see someone suggesting "boots on necks" and publications like the Federalist.


Well-Known Member
Fauci's group has been leading us down the wrong paths for about a year now...and you want to continue taking their advice, be my guest. Not me.

And it's absolutely pathetic that none of the Fauci crowd discuss Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin, None of them. You don't ever wonder about this CJB? I could say much much more but I'll stop as there is so much that is so political. If our leaders really wanted the people to be healthy, they would encourage keeping and working on one's own health..and not making our breathing worse with masking.
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Well-Known Member
No offense but I don't think enough common sense is being deployed on this issue.


Well-Known Member
How much more sense should be out there for this almost year of lockdowns, schools closed and the push for unapproved vaccines?


Active Member
Well, we're into 9 months now on this covid stuff and here is some of the latest on the GREAT :mad: advice the world has been given.

On the mask:

On the lockdowns:

Chemicals in Many of the Masks and Lung Cancer possibility

Eyes rolling


Well-Known Member
Fear fear fear they continue to push their totally non scientific regulations all made up during this covid mess.

Believe what you want, I believe so little of mainstream media unknowns...


Well-Known Member
This 28 minute video is NOT to be missed. No Science in the Mask business.

And if you have NOT read the MIT report recently leased, please do..

MIT researchers say time spent indoors increases risk of Covid at 6 feet or 60 feet in new study challenging social distancing policies



New Member
I'm sorry to read such articles, especially now in this more challenging period. I also had a friend who was facing such problems. When she found out she was pregnant, the pandemic period started, and she was very stressed. That's why the family doctor advised him to buy products here to improve his health, because it is pretty dangerous to give birth when you have weak immunity, especially during this period. Be very careful and take care of your health, because it is somewhat problematic in this century to remain a healthy person.

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